View Full Version : sparaying kitchen cupboard door

16th December 2006, 10:37 AM
I just want to match up one panel reasonably well.

The kitchen I think has either 2 pak or vacuum wrapped high gloss white cupboard doors.

I'm remaking the oven surround (new oven) so I just need to make a new panel out of custom wood then spray it.

Keep in mind the oven will generate some heat around the area.

Could I just grab a spray can of high gloss or 2 pak and get a reasonable finish?

any one done this, if so what products did you use?

Do you have to put the polyurethane layer on after? Or is it in the 2 pak..?


16th December 2006, 07:09 PM
Hi power buff

Just grab the measurements and one of the doors and take it to a laminate supplier, we have GBI (Gibson Benness industies - these guys supply all the cabinet makers with doors) and get them to make it, cost about $50.00, Easier and cheaper.

and it will be exactly the same as the others,
