View Full Version : panasonic or fujitsu ???? .... a dilemma

12th December 2006, 12:48 PM
Have decided to return the aldi purchase and spend the extra$$$$, I know its personal choice now but is there much to choose between the panasonic and fujitsu models that were reviewed in choice magazine from anybodys personal experience

Bleedin Thumb
12th December 2006, 01:37 PM
I don't know about panasonic but my fujitsu does a grand job and has never complained.
My way of thinking is fujitsu is synonymous with AC whilst when I think of panasonic I think of that first calculator I ever got. Yep that brick sized electronic thing with the green screen that you had to leave outside during exams......sorry having one of those flashbacks again.

12th December 2006, 04:58 PM
Hiya, my experience is with Fujitsu, and just bought another 2, however panasonic also seem to be very highly regarded amongst the fridgies I have asked.

In fact the last 2 I bought, I would have bought panasonic coz they are just slightly cheaper, but I bought them while a cashback offer was on, and fujitsus off season offer was just too good to refuse. panny have the reputation for been just fractionaly quieter than fujitsu.

Both units are great - go for whichever has the best value proposition, or looks the best

12th December 2006, 05:29 PM
it it's come down to no real difference between them, get the one with the best after sales support- repair guys near you, things like that. in the middle of a heat wave, you'd hate to be stuck with out it purely because the repair guy only comes to your side of town once a week or someother crappy thing like that.

12th December 2006, 11:56 PM
I have had a couple of both, and can't split between them. I reckon go with whichever has the best price.

One piece of advice though, ignore the HP rating, and looking at the heating and cooling capacity.

In our current place, we have a Fujitsu, because Heating is more important to us than cooling, as the house faces North and is very cool in summer. The Fuji had a higher Kw rating for heating than the same HP rated Panasonic, meaning we get more heating capacity for the same $.

The HP (Horsepower) rating is simply a rating of how powerful the motor is, not it's heating or cooling capacity.

13th December 2006, 12:38 PM
Which ever one has the easiest/simplest remote, or if one has better functions , like sencing the temp at the remote rather than at the evap unit, or a sleep function that raises the temp at night , a timer on - off etc , as I think you will find that the compressors and fan units will be pretty much the same.


16th December 2006, 09:17 PM
Can't comment on the panasonic, but I highly recommend the fujitsu.

18th December 2006, 06:41 PM
there is not much innit. i personally went with the new generation panasonic coz they had the least warranty returns according to my installer.

No.1 is Dakin followed by Fuji then Pana.

18th December 2006, 08:48 PM
I have had both brands over the last 3 years ,had a Pansonic split system when we lived in Kiama, local installer was a Panasonic specialist, they have a spiral type compressor in them,which makes them run much qiueter than other brands,had it for over 2 years had no trouble.
At the moment we have Fujitsu ducted (inverter type) the advantage of these being that once the required temp. is reached they throttle back on the power,hence being cheaper to run.Pansonic do not make ducted systems at the moment,but we have been quite happy with the Fujitsu had it for over eighteen months been terrific especialy on really hot days(35+):D

18th December 2006, 09:28 PM
We ended up going with a dakin. Did a bit of research and the dakin seemed to give better value for money. The company that installed our unit didn't really rate panasonic which surpised me as they carried them as well as fujitsu. The dakin came with a 5 year manufacturers warranty plus another 5 years from the company that installed it.

30th December 2006, 10:13 AM
Thanks for all the advice, we have gone with the fujitsu, if long term plans were clearer I would have paid the extra for the daiken but so far haven't needed to use it at all...after all that rush and panic to have it installed before Cristmas..such is life ....thanks again