View Full Version : BLO & Shellac - how long to wait
9th December 2006, 05:54 PM
I have made a base for a box for the missus to store more junk in. It is a simple T&G flooring style base that I've oiled with boiled linseed oil. Since it will have materials in the box I want to seal the smell of the BLO in using shellac.
How long after applying the BLO do you reckon I should wait before applying the shellac?
9th December 2006, 07:08 PM
I'm no expert, but i put a coat of BLO on today around 10ish, and I will coat it with Wipe on tonight. With this hot dry weather it dries very quick.. Normally though, I would wait 48 hours, twice as long in winter.
The heat is warping everything in sight, including mdf. Ive had to flip over some panels i am working on about 6 times today to counter the cupping.
Moisture meter is indicating 17 percent relative humidity:eek: . Is that low?
9th December 2006, 07:11 PM
Thanks mate, I'll try a bit later. I've looked up a few other sources and they indicate a light oiling can be run over immediately (light being just enough to pop the grain).
Mines a bit heavier than that but a 50/50 mix and, in this heat, was touch dry an hour ago. I'll rub it with a dry rag and then shellac it.
Tex B
10th December 2006, 08:28 AM
FWW 186 (the one everyone lost in the mail) has an article called One Fast Finish. The author starts with a thin layer of BLO, and then goes over that immediately with shellac. He says "normally you would let the oil cure for 24 to 48 hours." But with a thin coat, it apparently cures just fine under the shellac.
I haven't worked up the nerve to try his finish yet. BLO, shellac, and wax all in one afternoon:confused:
10th December 2006, 11:18 AM
Thanks Tex. I didn't read the actual article but someone quoted it in another post elsewhere. I'll read it this afternoon.
I put the shellac on about 4 hours after the BLO and it seems to be fine. This is not really fine furniture work though as it is the bottom of a box that may not see the light of day for a while.
Anyone reading this in the future note the temperature was a very dry 38deg C.