View Full Version : Linking thumbnails to big images with HTML

8th December 2006, 10:13 PM
I worked out how to link a thumbnail to a big image.

How do I put a "close window" etc on the big image?

I have a sample page online

only the first thumbnail is linked so far.

Hope an IT guru can assist.

9th December 2006, 04:03 AM
Not a guru but the problem is simpler than that. Your link to the larger image causes it to load up in the same window that was displaying your web page. So when the image window is closed, it closes your whole site.

You just need to include a frame target within the link, as follows:

(the quotes and underscore are required)

This will cause the image to open in a new blank window. When that is closed, the viewer will be back at your main web page.

Talk about guru, I can't even figure out how to show the code for your link here without it being acted on as code. Anyway you just need to have the target parameter somewhere between the "a href=" and the "/a".


9th December 2006, 08:21 AM
What sort of html editor are you useing Bob?

I use this one and it is so simple (http://www.wysiwygwebbuilder.com/), it costs US$30 but is well worth it.

Al :)

9th December 2006, 09:36 AM
Arachnophilia Al.
Its free but its really a html editor and not a web page designer.

trouble is I don't work on webpages enough so I just keep forgetting the simple things.

9th December 2006, 10:12 AM
There's an excellent html reference here:

It can also be downloaded so that you can refer to it when offline. Arachnophilia is quite good but there's no substitute for windows notepad when you need to get down and dirty.

Wood Butcher
9th December 2006, 10:20 AM
Something like this isn't it?? this is what the hyperlink to the image should be (I pinched the example from your site Bob)

a href="dollhouse bookcaseweb.jpg" target="_blank"

There are no <> otherwise the forums thinks it is html code and messe up the post


9th December 2006, 02:30 PM
Tnanks all for the help, most appreciated.

Coz I don't do enough webpage work notepad's a bit difficult that's why I use Arach a lot of the basic code is on toolbars or menus.

If I worked as a webpage developer I'd probably end up using notebook a lot.
(did think about it at one time - but going to an office and wearing neat clothes --- yuk)

I've got a coupla html reference files somewhere on the pc.
Trouble is theres so much stuff on my pc that it can be hard to find anything I don't use regularly.

The target_blank seems the way to go.

Again, thanks all.