View Full Version : deck quote

Farm boy
7th December 2006, 12:49 AM
hi guys
as i face redundancy next year swmbo has started a shopping list.
the big one is a deck/verandah 11m wide x 4m out with colorbond bullnose roofing and about 2m off the ground
question can any builders or chippies give me a rough idea how much to get some one to build it including materials please.

7th December 2006, 07:22 PM
hi guys
as i face redundancy next year swmbo has started a shopping list.
the big one is a deck/verandah 11m wide x 4m out with colorbond bullnose roofing and about 2m off the ground
question can any builders or chippies give me a rough idea how much to get some one to build it including materials please.

Hey Greg,

I am currently going through the process of costing out a deck of roughly the same sq metres, but more of a T shape.

What I can recomend is doing up the drawings yourself, using readily available span tables, then ringing your local timber supply places and getting a quote for timber used, then heading off to the Patio place and getting a quote for the patio.

So far, I am up to $12000, in raw materials alone, but it is not firm, far from it.

My plan 'b' is a similar deck to the one your described, as the house is 11 metres long. I ma hoping this will be simpler and cheaper to build, if the T shape deck get's too complicated.



Bleedin Thumb
7th December 2006, 09:04 PM
Farm Boy, Flats did a csting of his deck a couple of weeks ago at $115/sq.m for a low deck guess you just have to add the cost of your posts to give you an questamation.
Jason $12,000 is twice the cost that Flats estimated?:confused:

Flats Thread was about a curved deck.
Could someone tell me how I attach a previous thread:confused: :confused: :confused:

8th December 2006, 08:11 AM
Farm Boy, Flats did a csting of his deck a couple of weeks ago at $115/sq.m for a low deck guess you just have to add the cost of your posts to give you an questamation.
Jason $12,000 is twice the cost that Flats estimated?:confused:

Flats Thread was about a curved deck.
Could someone tell me how I attach a previous thread:confused: :confused: :confused:

Mine includes the colourbond patio over the top, and balustrading.

8th December 2006, 12:20 PM
im just about to finish a deck which is 11m x 5m

Total cost including colorbond roof/gutter, balustrading etc etc
~ $14,000 and this is using all hardwood.

Farm boy
8th December 2006, 08:12 PM
thanks for the replys guys
i will draw a plan up and go from there and hopfully swmbo is happy about the cost:D

8th December 2006, 09:56 PM
thanks for the replys guys
i will draw a plan up and go from there and hopfully swmbo is happy about the cost:D

Don't forget to add in 10% wastage on the timber.

I forgot to mention, I am using structural pine for the joists and bearers, and Merbau, Bartu or equivalent at $40 a sq metre, for the decking.

Cheers and Good luck.
