View Full Version : Replacing Ni-Cads

4th December 2006, 02:21 PM
There's a great article in this months Silicon Chip magazine on dead cordless drills and has a good description on replacing the Ni-Cads. :)

18th December 2006, 08:20 AM
well this post is informative....NOT :p

18th December 2006, 11:44 AM
falcon - and... a number of thrifty woodies possess cordless tools with tired battery packs that they may be interested in having a crack at repacking themselves, armed with the info from the article.

Thanks for the heads up, Malibu.


18th December 2006, 02:51 PM
Unfortunately, replacing the cells is only half the story as they will probably soon die again because of the poor design of most chargers. The "charger controller" article in the same issue prevents you cooking your batteries by excessive temperature due to over charging. On the other hand, for the cost of repacking two battery packs and building the charger kit, you could probably buy a very nice new drill.

18th December 2006, 03:18 PM
No worries Sean, I thought it might come in handy if anyone has dead battery packs around. Besides, it's a good read on the in's and out's of NiCad's.
Rob, not a bad charger either. I already knew that NiCad's are fully charged at a certain temperature, but as the article says, not many chargers have that capability. Mine included! I didn't think that many would be interested in it, because of the programming involved in the 88 chip.
Sorry Falcon, I should have been a little more succinct in my wording. Maybe I should have added a footnote that if further information is required or any specific details are needed, you will find it in the magazine rack, at the newsagents, next to the computer magazines, third shelf down, second from the left, with big letters on the top that says "Silicon Chip", above the flash that says "Feature: ...cordless tools". I hope this clears up any confusion.