View Full Version : joining/finishing lanolin wood
3rd December 2006, 09:41 AM
I have some beautiful old floor boards from a wool shed which I am making into a hall table, but after thicknessing I am feeling the oils which make the wood feel very nice and silky; but how am I going to glue and finish.
I thought oxalic acid might clean joints?? But never used it..
Any suggestions would be great......
3rd December 2006, 05:08 PM
Gday ben (?), & welcome :)
If it's still oily, I guess you need something to "degrease" the joining surfaces, obviously something that won't leave a residue.
I'm thinking shellite, or methylated spirits, or similar. Google gluing oily wood or similar & see what you dig up.
IIRC teak is a bugger to glue for the same reason, look for info on gluing it or other oily wood types.
3rd December 2006, 08:05 PM
thanks sean I will look into what you said its a great to have some extra in put. Thanks
7th December 2006, 03:48 PM
Hi Ben,
If possible use a scrap piece and test. Certainly research glues. Perhaps mechanical fasteners may be a better option. If they can't be concealed make some plugs from the same material.
As for the finish, oil may be the way to go, particularly if it remains oily after cleaning with shellite or similar product.