View Full Version : When to Oil new Timber

Ads Mac
1st December 2006, 09:20 AM
OK, from other posts I have created I am convinced an outdoor oil is the way to go. I don't mind 1/2 day annually.

My next question - when to oil?

The timber is fresh sawn Merbau. It was cool to touch when delivered and I am led to believe the stock had only just arrived at the timber yard. I have since kept it out of direct sunlight (for approx 2 weeks).

I have noticed when pre-drilling some holes that a dark "wet" comes out of the holes occasionally. I'm assuming this is what Tanon is?

Should I seal the wood with oil prior to putting the baulastrade out in the sun (ie bolting it in the stirrups) or should I put it together and let it weather for a short time. I want to retain the current color as much as possible?

Thanks for the great advice to date.

1st December 2006, 09:41 AM
It sounds like the timber is still very green, especially if you are getting wet timber when drilling.

It might be an idea to let it weather (i.e. dry) somewhat before oiling.

You could put a seasoning oil on it. This is normally applied and left for 3 to 6 months (from my failing memory) and then you oil it with your "normal" oil.

As far as colour goes - the chances of maintain the current colour are basically zip. As soon as it gets out in the sunlight (oiled or not) it will change colour.

Ads Mac
1st December 2006, 09:44 AM
Thanks Vernon. I reliase your not in Victoria, but where would you normally find seasoning oil - in a hardware store like Bunnings? A paint store?

1st December 2006, 09:58 AM
I used some stuff called Organoil Wood Guard on all my cypress deck framing.

Check out their website http://organoil.com.au/ they have a list of distributors.

The cypress I used was very green when it arrived and a liberal coating of the seasoning oils (especially on the cut ends) seems to have minimised checking, warping, splitting and cupping (although there was a couple of notable exceptions).

My decking was kiln dried, so I didn't bother with the seasoning oil and have just given it a hit of decking oil (EcoWoodOil - http://www.ecowoodoil.com.au/ - I think it's made [under license?] by Organoil???)