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30th November 2006, 09:53 AM
Does oiling wood protcet it from the weather or am I better using a synthetic sealer?
30th November 2006, 10:47 AM
Oiling will protect timber to a large extent, however you need to re-oil every 12 to 18 months.
Coating type systems generally last longer between re-applications, but you may need to do more prep each time you re-apply it (i.e. you may need to remove the old sealer, before applying new sealer).
Can you give a few more details on what you are doing and what products you intend to use.
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30th November 2006, 01:33 PM
Hi Vernon,
I will be using freshly sawn Merbau to make a baulastrade. I think I will go with oil. I don't mind re-appling every year or 2 as opposed to all the prep work I am reading about for other products.