View Full Version : Best Turf for a Dog

25th November 2006, 06:19 PM
Hi All,

We have a staffy bitch Coco (see piccies) and used to have a reasonable back lawn, However she has dug and all over it. So now we have a dust bowl. Not such a biggie as were renovating out the back and are going to returf in the winter. My question is what is the best turf for dogs, ie won't go yellow with wee. One of our friends reckons kikuyu, any other thoughts or experience?

25th November 2006, 06:25 PM
My question is what is the best turf for dogs, ie won't go yellow with wee.


Al :)

25th November 2006, 06:39 PM
Kikuyu and Buffalo stand up well..... unfortunately, as I dislike it and see myself heading down that route with my two dogs.
Personally I think Buffalo recovers better.

Basically, if its got an invasive root system, it can recover pretty well.... as it heads off to colonise the garden bed.:mad:

25th November 2006, 07:26 PM
Yep I would go with Kikuyu. Buffalo is a great second!


25th November 2006, 07:38 PM
Green concrete, or lawn bowls synthetic, but that's been covered.:rolleyes:

Prince Charles
25th November 2006, 07:42 PM
The best turf for a dog is 6 foot above it, Mummy lets the corgis do their business everywhere, what a frightfull mess, especially when one goes for a midnight stroll in the all together with ones beloved.

Charles :(

25th November 2006, 08:32 PM
The best turf for a dog is 6 foot above it

Grrrrrrr, C'mere and say that!:p :D

:D :D LOL:D :D

25th November 2006, 09:00 PM
Paspalum its tough and grows anywhere with out encouragement.

She looks like she is still a pup. It takes them at least 2 to 2 1/2 years to grow out of it then they do settle down a bit.

Although mine is about five years old and he digs in the gardens where it is soft. Leaves the grass alone. I think he is chasing the lizards when he digs. I had to put an electric fence around the vegetable garden to keep him off.

27th November 2006, 09:01 AM
Had the same problem recently with my newly laid turf, my dog picked a spot in the corner and kept urinating on it, end up with a few nice big yellow patches in my beautiful new lawn.:mad: :rolleyes:

It is effectively over fertilising the area and 'burning' the grass (too much nitrogen), after doing a few web searches I discovered the only way to prevent it is too either train your dog not to do its business on the grass or follow it around with a full bucket of water and flood the area it has just urinated on, diluting the urine.

I have been 'training' my dog for the past 4 weeks (basically every time Im outside with him and he goes to the toilet- not on the grass- I give him lots of praise etc, opposite if he goes on the grass). He is getting the idea and the lawn is almost back to new again. :)

For the times when our four legged friends do cause damage, make sure you get a lawn that is self repairing, or you will be forever re-seeding it ;)



Bleedin Thumb
27th November 2006, 10:09 AM
I thought the best turf for a dog to p!zz on would be the neighbours turf!

Try placing a fire hydrant in a garden bed.

27th November 2006, 11:07 AM
For some reason my brain read "Best t*rd for a dog', and then went off in a strange direction:rolleyes: - before I re-read it correctly. Hmmm.

31st December 2006, 09:42 AM
I had similar issues with my dalmatian. We laid new sir walter buffalo and it repairs fairly quickly from his urine. He also used to like a particular corner but I put a an old wire crate over the area to stop him for a while to let the grass recover. After a few weeks he forgot that was his favourite spot so now he spreads his business around the place evenly and the grass is going well.