View Full Version : Wheres ya wheelie bin

20th November 2006, 02:24 PM
Being the water conservationists that we are, we decided to put the laundry waste water to good use in the garden.
We tryed to just collect the water staight from the wash trough but when the washing machine lets rip it more than filled the trough. :eek: :p

We had a diverter that you can buy from Bunnings on the outlet pipe, but the 1" hose that connects to it didnt do the job fast enough for the washing machine.

So with the help of one of the local councils we now have a grey water collection tank, the water drains away after each fill.

The fruit trees are looking better and better.

Al :p

20th November 2006, 02:32 PM
Well done Al, do you need a filter or anything? Is the diverter hard to install? Does it work the same for shower water?

I must go to Bunnings to check it out.

20th November 2006, 02:35 PM
Great idea :)

DJ’s Timber
20th November 2006, 02:39 PM
Great idea, but how do you open your door:p :D

20th November 2006, 02:50 PM
Well done Al, do you need a filter or anything? Is the diverter hard to install? Does it work the same for shower water?

I must go to Bunnings to check it out.

The bin hasnt got the diverter on it, I took it off and went for the simpler version, :p straight into the bin.

The diverter from bunnies cost $20, you dont need a filter for it, and the shower will be my next go at water conservation.

Al :)

20th November 2006, 02:51 PM
Great idea, but how do you open your door:p :D

Like the Dukes of Hazzard, we climb in the window, all class we are.

Al :rolleyes: :p

20th November 2006, 02:51 PM
I's wheelie bin in jail:confused: :confused: :D