View Full Version : What's your favourite ad?

15th November 2006, 10:18 PM
Using pure entertainment value as your only criterion, what is your current favourite advert? You can choose any medium: TV, radio, print media, the Internet, anything.

We're not looking for the ad's commercial impact - just pure entertainment value. (Some of the most entertaining ads have very poor commercial impact: ie, people can remember the ad but can't remember the product).

My current pick is the "Too many rabbits in China" ad. The expression on the kid's face after his Dad tells him about the Emperor Nasi Goreng and too many rabbits is superb. You can read what he's thinking: "That doesn't sound right but he's me Dad so he must know."

Brilliant! Makes me laugh out loud every time I see it.

15th November 2006, 10:56 PM
The 'I haven't got detention, I've been expelled' ad always gets a grin from me. :D


15th November 2006, 11:09 PM

Any of the TVCs or radio spots for Carlton by George Patts Y&R, "made from beer" written and directed with a very witty sence of humour.


If you haven't heard them it's worth a poke for a great laugh.

15th November 2006, 11:10 PM
The Pepsi ad

"are you sure?"

"don't worry there is no sugar"

16th November 2006, 08:58 AM
The latest Hahn Lite ad.

16th November 2006, 09:44 AM
Tools in the Dishwasher - an absolute ripper!:D

16th November 2006, 09:48 AM
Whatever happened to the Cougar ad?

16th November 2006, 12:44 PM
The pool cleaning gear - "Marco..............Marco.........." - the looks on those kids faces in the bathtub - love it!

16th November 2006, 12:49 PM
It's a big add, a bludy big add, it's a biiiiiiiiggg adddd.
I love it, well thought out and an absolute masterful choreographical feat. But i think that stuff tastes like horse urine!!!!


My wife likes the Rabbits in China as well.

16th November 2006, 01:14 PM
The baked beans ad where the kids are in the street making farting noises, one goes inside for a snack of beans on toast and returns to his mates and says "pull my finger"

16th November 2006, 01:15 PM
Don't watch any of the *******ing ads :mad::mad::mad:

I'm "finger flicking good" on the remote control. :D

Find 99.999% to be what at best could be described as an absolute insult to someone's intelligence.

Most ad firms seem to use the philosophy of "pester power" and the wearing down of resolve or promotion of the idea that you are not a good parent if you don't comply with the advertiser's attempts at mind or wallet control - as well as trying to convince people that they really need an item they had no use for previously.

Unfortunately it must work to some degree - just check out how effective it appears to be on many adults in the supermarket when the kids "gimmee gimmee" bits start either in the aisles or checkouts or look at the # of kids taken to the fast food outlets - in many cases in what appears to be a case of "shutting them up".

Also bear in mind that all of the millions of $$$ spent in selling gets added to the cost of the consumer. If they, the producers of goods and services could just get a little smarter, then they could sell more and probably cheaper. Think of how often we hear the phrase "I don't advertise but rely on product performance and word of mouth etc" If the product/service is good enough then, it may take a little longer, but it will be a winner for both the producer and consumer.

I do understand the need for ads and the purpose they serve but surely there must be a more intelligent way of getting the message across as well as picking the times of presentation - let's face it , who really gives a rodent's donkey about a bank, home loan, washing product etc at 10 pm.

SBS had it reasonably right [as it appears to be in some places overseas] but they have now stuffed it up and instead of being a leader they have fallen prey to so called revenue getting/competition and have fallen into the clutches of the commercial stations - unfortunately they will fall further behind the pack as they can't compete.:mad::mad:

Thanks for allowing me the rant - I feel a little better.

16th November 2006, 01:22 PM
Ubeaut woodworking Forums

The pic at the top of this page

Gotta be the best ad

16th November 2006, 03:37 PM
its not a current ad, but i like the vic bitter ad when they go camping. also the big ad.
the radio is more effective then tv advertising ads are good to.

16th November 2006, 03:54 PM
Saw one a while ago and it goes like this

After a night out with his mate, the husband comes home early in the morning. He gets into the bedroom and quietly takes off his shoes. The wife wakes up so he put the shoes back on again. The wife says “Starting early again?” and she goes back to sleep.:D

Pretty clever stuff.

Andy Mac
16th November 2006, 04:22 PM
Saw one a while ago and it goes like this

After a night out with his mate, the husband comes home early in the morning. He gets into the bedroom and quietly takes off his shoes. The wife wakes up so he put the shoes back on again. The wife says “Starting early again?” and she goes back to sleep.:D

Pretty clever stuff.

I'm not convinced...you can't remember who made it or what it was for!!:rolleyes: :D
Note I'm not posting my favourite, simply because none of them stand out...just a blur of inanities, one after the other.


16th November 2006, 04:34 PM
There are so many points that I could help expand on, but my medication is kicking in. I spend waaaay to much time at home and have now become immune to the plethora of life insurance and funeral home ads

"Turps" Turpie saying in all sincerety "Death happens every day" Buy insurance so you wont leave the funeral people in the lurch.
And the old couple, whose daughter says "Yes it was a thoughtful thing for mum and dad to do." That's where they pay for the funeral direct and the kids don't have to worry, but more importantly, the funeral home doesn't have to worry either. They are already earning interest.

my favourite? The one where the sound disappears and the screen pixilates.

Bleedin Thumb
16th November 2006, 04:46 PM
Bit like me Andy Mac the only two that are consistantly remembered are the original antz pantz ... sick em rex! and the No Nickers ad when the guy falls off the piano stool.
Olden but Golden.:o

16th November 2006, 05:52 PM
Theres a couple I really like

1. Pepsi
Setting restaraunt Grandpa and Grand Daughter. Girl asks for pepsi and gets a "coke" she she then talks to the owner in a nice Godfather voice freaking everyone out and finishes with a kitchen lackey popping some buublegum that has everyone going to ground to avoid the bullets

2.Rexona (Germany?)
An ad with an insane number of stunts as people go to work

theres a few more i enjoy but wont bore you

ps where did the GobbleDock go??

16th November 2006, 06:28 PM
The Dare flavoured milk ads,
Scene, Some yuppie city bloke who knows nothing about cars at an outback small town mechanics. The mechanic says 'Great, you'll leave here with 4 brand new tyres you dont need' The yuppies reply 'That's fine, I'll write you a check that bounces.'

The second ad starts out at an outdoor cafe with an older couple, their daughter comes along with her dropkick boyfriend, the older couple start talking to the boyfriend and ask him what he does, other than ruining their daughters life. Something or other else, then the daughter shocks the lot of them, boyfriend included by saying 'It's too late, Im pregnant'

16th November 2006, 08:55 PM
It shows there is a huge diversity of ads over this country.
mine are the herbal shampoo starting out showing a girl with flowing curly shiney 'erbal air' then ending with a bikie struting his stuff but you wouldnt know the hair difference.


16th November 2006, 09:55 PM
Saw the second chinese wall ad tonight.

Mother in car, daughter in back, "why did the chinese build the wall Mum?"

Shot pans to Mum, who thinks for a couple of seconds.....

Next shot shows Mum and Daughter in a museam learning the facts....

Daughter says, " I didn't think they built it to keep the rabbits out.."

:D Yep, liked this a lot :p :D

17th November 2006, 01:46 AM
What do rabbits have to do with China? :confused: :confused: :confused:

I saw a flat rabbit on the road this morning, does that means they are learning to swim or something? :confused:

What is this 'TV' you speak of? And of this radio device too? :confused: :confused:

You all need to spend more time in the shed and less time watching the id10t box... :rolleyes:

17th November 2006, 07:42 AM
I don't want to introduce a discordant note to this thread (well I do actually because I hate ads), but does anybody else out there turn to another channel when the ad with the man with the huge nipples come on? I absolutely hate that. There was another one with a tongue that left a sleeping man's mouth and wandered off to get some beer or something.

Sorry, but I HATE those ads. As soon as they come on there's a mad scramble for the remote.

On a more positive note, there are some very clever ads out there that I really like, the first and second time I see them!;)

17th November 2006, 07:46 AM
The Kiwi's had a ripper with the "Bugger" dog.

17th November 2006, 09:07 AM
The Toyota ute add with the "bugger" dog rates as my favourite also.

20th November 2006, 06:36 PM
hey i was gonna say dat too

Skew ChiDAMN!!
20th November 2006, 09:53 PM
The one with the bloke sitting in his pan dunny out back, door wide open and admiring his new roof... when out walks the other half along with guest and small girl. Don't remember the cladding brand being promoted :rolleyes: but I can certainly empathise with the poor bugger. :D

(Sitting in the scrub, communing with nature and generally at peace with the world, when a couple of bloody bush-walking city folk wander through the camp... :()

20th November 2006, 10:19 PM
I know its not current but one of the old Dare ads had a couple of guys having lunch on a work site and the conversation goes as follows:

Guy 1 "see you have a new girlfriend"
Guy 2 "yep"
Guy 1 "whats she like"
Guy 2 "she's got a great personality"
Guy 1 "yep... mines ugly too"

Gold, why did they take that off the air

20th November 2006, 11:45 PM
I like the one with the big dog being cool in the backseat groovin to rock music. Dunno what its sellin' but it cracks me up..