View Full Version : What is it with children today?

7th November 2006, 10:42 AM
The Thanksgiving day holiday in the US is always the fourth Thursday in November and usually the next day (Friday) is a day off also.

The oldest son and his new wife are finding it difficult to fly in for the holiday weekend. So good old Dad says I'll buy the tickets so they don't have to spend about 30 hours driving. Then I heard...

We won't fly that airline.
That's too early in the morning of a flight. (SWMBO and I took the same flight)
That's an early flight to go back.
We can't take a Monday flight back home.

Then I asked the other son in e-Mail if he would like me to use my miles to get him a ticket to go on vacation. (He usually goes to friends in New Orleans for Mardi Grias sp?) No response. NOTHING.


7th November 2006, 10:51 AM
Rich, the answer is fairly simple. Most kids in the Western world have never been hungry and therefore have no perspective.

7th November 2006, 10:57 AM
Have a good one anyway... I think your Thanksgiving was originally about appreciating what you have now, after facing difficult times? So enjoy your holiday and leave your battles till tomorrow. :)

7th November 2006, 12:46 PM
Use your flyer points and take SHMBO to hawiai (Sp ?). You two can have some fun in the sun and let the kids sort themselves out, they sound like they are big enough and ugly enough to look after themselves (As my mom says).

its time to become a SKI (Spending the kids Inheritence)

7th November 2006, 12:54 PM
Richie, take up Gra's idea, take the missus to the big island and you never know, she may allow you to buy that new whatsit you have desired as a reward for being a thoughtful caring partner:)