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Metal Head
6th November 2006, 10:29 PM
Minister Apologises For Speeding

November 06, 2006 09:45pm

<!-- END Story Toolbar --><!-- Lead Content Panel -->NEW South Wales Local Government Minister Kerry Hickey has apologised after he was caught driving more than 30 kph over the speed limit. He was pulled over by a highway patrol officer for speeding at between 130 kph and 145 kph in a 100 kph zone near Singleton in the Hunter Valley on October 8, a spokesman for his office said. He paid a fine but did not lose his licence, the spokesman added.

Here we go again one rule for them (our employees) and one rule for the rest of us (employers):mad:. I don't have the regulations at hand but surely 30 kms over the speed limit is at least a ban.

6th November 2006, 10:34 PM
Nah, it's different in NSW. Look here for the table (http://www.rta.nsw.gov.au/rulesregulations/penalties/speeding.html).

DJ’s Timber
6th November 2006, 10:47 PM
Nah, it's different in NSW. Look here for the table (http://www.rta.nsw.gov.au/rulesregulations/penalties/speeding.html).

but it does say this

There are licence suspension periods, similar to the minimum disqualification periods applied by a court, for exceeding the speed limit by more than 30 km/h (3 months), and by more than 45 km/h (6 months).

6th November 2006, 10:51 PM
but it does say thisI didn't see that. I thought the disqualification came from court only.

Dan? You there DanP?

7th November 2006, 01:58 AM
Varies from state to state, and who your mates are:mad:

There was a short bit in the sunday paper about a young bloke who got caught speeding, went to court & seems to have given the magistrate a good speil - magistrate gave him a fine, and ordered no loss of points or suspension/disqualification. RTA said - tough, we don't care what the magistrate says, we are taking his licence for speeding. Anyone else did something like that, they would be in the slammer 'purging their contempt' quick smart.:eek:

7th November 2006, 09:14 AM
The news reports that I heard on the ABC said that he lost his licence for 3 months.

7th November 2006, 09:58 AM
The stupid thing in NSW is that you loose the same points for 1-15kph over as 15-30kph over. The difference is the fine.

So if you are going to be in for a penny you might as well be in for a pound. Why get caught at 14kph over, go for 29kph over if you can afford it.

7th November 2006, 10:54 AM
Three points and $231 for 30kph over is a draconian penalty!

Here on a California freeway, 30kph (18.75 mph) over would barely wake a sleeping officer. In the los Angeles area, it is not unusual for traffic to flow at 80-85 mph in 65 mph areas. We sort of just 'Go with the flow'.