View Full Version : Whittlesea Show

5th November 2006, 06:22 PM
I promised I wouldnt go again after the boring year after year repitition, but I relented and needed a day off with the love of my life.

So we just spent all Sunday walking the show, and enjoyed it too.
Here are some pictures of it all, mainly horsey stuff seeing as the show is mainly horses or showbags.

But there are some great exhibits like the old engines and wood chopping.

The Bearded Dragon lizard is made from iceing sugar

The wood chop fella nearest the camera had a 21 second handicap and came second.

Al :)

5th November 2006, 06:29 PM
More piccies.

I just lurve the safety features in pic 3. :eek:
Picture 2 is our finest defending us with his blow up radio set. :p
Pic 4 is a Cobb and co coach.
Pic 5 is all the jams and preserves on display.....Yum

Al :)

5th November 2006, 06:37 PM

Al :o

5th November 2006, 06:49 PM
Not to mention my 'pressy':D :D :D :D

Bleedin Thumb
5th November 2006, 07:11 PM
Al, That looks Ok really.
If you want boring you should head up to Canberra for the Floriade next year.
I did it last month.... tulips, tulips and More fu@@@@ tulips!
At least you had woodchopping.

5th November 2006, 07:14 PM
It is, and was a good country show.

I guess I got peeved off after year after year of the same thing.

But after a break it was all good, you have no idea how many familiar faces you bump into either.

Al :p

Auld Bassoon
5th November 2006, 07:39 PM
Pic 3 on the 2nd post - Faaaaarrrrk that! :eek:

5th November 2006, 07:43 PM
Pic 3 on the 2nd post - Faaaaarrrrk that! :eek:

My thoughts persactly, thats why I took the pic, but it was a common thing not that long ago.

I said to the SWMBO when we were there, just imagine if he tripped or fell, buuuuuuzzzz into the head. :eek:
I even thought a perspex gaurd so as not to spoil the visuals was in order.

But the old fellas seemed to do it day after day.

Al :)

5th November 2006, 08:36 PM

Al :p

5th November 2006, 10:42 PM
Pic 2 in the 2nd post - they didn't make sergeant majors like that in my day!:D

6th November 2006, 08:23 AM
(Sorry, that was pic 3 on 1st post)