View Full Version : Water restrictions today?

2nd November 2006, 11:16 AM
Don't think anyone in Melb will be out with the hose to day.

Hughie is sending it down nicely:D :D :D :D

Metal Head
2nd November 2006, 11:29 AM
I heard the weatherman on the radio say this morning that there has already been more rain fall today than the whole of October:eek:. It just shows why we need thiese restrictions.

However while on I'm on my high horse, I cannot understand why you are allowed to throw/pour as many buckets of water over your car and not use a trigger operated hose gun instead. earlier in the year ACA did a test to prove that 66% more water is used via the buckets than the hose:mad: :mad: - who makes this stupid rule up?.

2nd November 2006, 11:32 AM
- who makes this stupid rule up?.

Governments mate, governments and bureaucrats. They don't have a Department for Common Sense. :mad:

2nd November 2006, 12:04 PM
Hughie is sending it down nicely:D :D :D :D

Just when I had a truck load of Lilydale toppings delivered for the next phase of my Backyard Blitz. Had hoped to do it today, instead I'm inside on the computer.:D


2nd November 2006, 12:05 PM
Can you Victorians please PM me some rain? Bit dry round these parts....

2nd November 2006, 12:27 PM
Don't think anyone in Melb will be out with the hose to day.

Hughie is sending it down nicely:D :D :D :D

Don't bet on it, Benny. According to the radio this morning, someone was out with a high pressure thingy washing the yellow concrete structures at a tram stop and was working in the rain to do it.:eek:

2nd November 2006, 12:30 PM
Like the council who have their sprinklers on in the rain, then again can't expect much common sense from councils.

2nd November 2006, 12:31 PM
Keep it coming north after that. Started level 4 here and the BOM reported that Ipswich received 16mm of rain last month, making this Oct one of the driest on record

2nd November 2006, 12:42 PM
Sadly, it looks like we've had just about all we're going to get.:mad:

It has been good though. CSIRO at Aspendale has recorded 6.2mm since 9:00am today!:)

2nd November 2006, 01:59 PM
However while on I'm on my high horse, I cannot understand why you are allowed to throw/pour as many buckets of water over your car and not use a trigger operated hose gun instead. earlier in the year ACA did a test to prove that 66% more water is used via the buckets than the hose:mad: :mad: - who makes this stupid rule up?.

When I queried the SaveWater mob last year or the year before, the response was "We agree it uses much more water with a bucket than a trigger hose, BUT we think victorians are lazy and won't wash the car as often if then have to use a bucket." (not word for word as it was a year or so ago).

My home experiments showed about 100 litres with bucket wash and trigger hose rinse, compared to 180 litres with bucket only. And I got a lot wetter with bucket rinses. I suppose wasting water on the car is OK as long as you obey the "law". Plus the lawn gets a good watering.

2nd November 2006, 02:02 PM
FWIW, I find a watering can with rose attached does a much better job than buckets when washing my car. Uses much less water and I don't get wet. Of course there are always the commercial car washes, take your own sponge and you can wash your car for $2.00.:)

Metal Head
3rd November 2006, 08:41 AM
I suppose wasting water on the car is OK as long as you obey the "law". Plus the lawn gets a good watering.

So is that why my neighbours have been putting their cars on their lawns the past couple of days - killing 2 birds with one stone;).

I sent off an email today to John Thwaites and asking him of his opinion in using a bucket instead of a hose...I wait with interest.
