View Full Version : More old buffer's syndrome

1st November 2006, 11:35 PM
Bit of it going around lately :rolleyes:

My latest effort goes thusly.

About half an hour ago. I'm feeling weary and ready for my evening coffee, a read of the book and into bed. So I sets the kettle to boiling in the kitchen and finish off what I was doing on the forums. Said kettle boils. Now, there's enough light from the living room to allow me to sort of see what I'm doing in the kitchen without turning on the light, so I do my usual 'guess how much is in the cup - oh ##### I've overfilled it' routine, mop up the mess and retire to my comfy chair to read my book, hot mug at my side. Well, after a bit, the mug's cooled somewhat, so I reach out and take a sip of ... hot water. Some silly git forgot to put coffee in the cup didn't he :o


Skew ChiDAMN!!
2nd November 2006, 12:14 AM
I know that story all too well. :D But you haven't finished it!

Around here it continues along the lines of... "so head back to the kitchen to remedy the situation, take down the coffee and sugar jars, open the lids and promptly discover that you had remembered to spoon out the coffee... but somehow it ended up in the top of the sugar bowl." :o

I've had way too many oversweet cuppas from trying to hide the evidence... and still get caught out the following morning when old grumbleguts finds the few missed coffee granules on her cereal. :rolleyes: