View Full Version : Tearaways - Would It Work Here?
Metal Head
29th October 2006, 09:15 PM
Do we need to impliment a scheme like this here in some parts of Australia?. If so, do you think it would be a goer?.
Parents in the Wyre Forest district who fail to keep tearaways under control could be fined £5,000 ($12,500) under a new crackdown on anti-social behaviour. Mothers and fathers could face a parental compensation order if their children aged under 10 steal or cause damage to property. Failure to pay could lead to parents being jailed.
Worcestershire is one of 10 authorities across the country which have been chosen by the Home Office to pilot the scheme. The orders apply to children under 10 who cannot be prosecuted under criminal law. Town halls can only apply for the orders when all other moves to persuade parents to take responsibility for their child’s behaviour have failed. Parents will be summoned to court, where their means will be taken into account before setting the level of compensation.
Courts only have to be persuaded to the civil standard of proof - known as “on the balance of probabilities” - that a child has committed an offence if they were above the age of criminal responsibility. Home Office minister Tony McNulty said: “Children under 10 can cause havoc but they are too young to be prosecuted and their victims can feel powerless.”
29th October 2006, 09:19 PM
The big problem I see with that is the truly uncontrollable child.
Do the parents have to committ such kids to care of the state.
29th October 2006, 09:24 PM
Agree one hudred percent. My BIL has a stepson who is the most destructive person I know. Just like flipping a switch he will go on a temper induced spree and break windows in buildings and burn cars. He gets away with blue murder and his mum just says .... What the f#$%k can I do about it?
Someone has to be responsible and why not make it the parents..
29th October 2006, 09:41 PM
Line a few of these bad kids up against the wall and shoot them.
You would only have to do it a couple of times before the all other kids were as good as Angels.
Al :)
John Saxton
29th October 2006, 09:47 PM
Put them in the navy even in the tender years where they have nowhere to run and have got to live with other peoples considerations in a tightly controlled atmosphere.(just a thought) It may not be the answer but it might be a start.:(
Some of the parents have a hard time controlling these children unfortunately it's time to make some hard decisions.
Removing the kids from a parental lacksadaisical attitude is the first step and implementing a strict controlled environment is probably the next.
How could that be implemented in this day and age?
Its been a generational consideration to be party to all manner of international conventions,however we need to take ourselves seriously if we're to avoid degradation of standards and respect for others within the community.
If we in this country allow upcoming generations of dysfunctional people to dictate then we're in for a community that we so deserve.
It appears to be more manifest with attitudes
I don't have all the answers but I do have the experience of generations where manners,courtesy,regard and respect were paramount in upbringing of younger generations.
My 2c worth
Metal Head
30th October 2006, 08:20 AM
Put them in the navy even in the tender years where they have nowhere to run and have got to live with other peoples considerations in a tightly controlled atmosphere.(just a thought) It may not be the answer but it might be a start.:(
Some of the parents have a hard time controlling these children unfortunately it's time to make some hard decisions.
Removing the kids from a parental lacksadaisical attitude is the first step and implementing a strict controlled environment is probably the next.
How could that be implemented in this day and age?
Its been a generational consideration to be party to all manner of international conventions,however we need to take ourselves seriously if we're to avoid degradation of standards and respect for others within the community.
If we in this country allow upcoming generations of dysfunctional people to dictate then we're in for a community that we so deserve.
It appears to be more manifest with attitudes
I don't have all the answers but I do have the experience of generations where manners,courtesy,regard and respect were paramount in upbringing of younger generations.
My 2c worth
Nicely summed up there John. I have never heard any one talk about the Navy as a form of personality training but living (or working) in such a confined space should help changing the little brat's attitude.
If not, it was ashame to hear they had fell overboard;).
30th October 2006, 08:31 AM
Nicely summed up there John. I have never heard any one talk about the Navy as a form of personality training but living (or working) in such a confined space should help changing the little brat's attitude.
If not, it was ashame to hear they had fell overboard;).It certainly does do that - invaluable (from personal experience).
And there are plenty of ways for someone to fall overboard (figuratively as well as literally!!)
Metal Head
30th October 2006, 08:50 AM
And there are plenty of ways for someone to fall overboard (figuratively as well as literally!!)
Just ask the present Federal government;).