View Full Version : Building shed - chepaer to buy kit or source own materials?

29th October 2006, 08:33 PM
I'm building a 20 x 9 x 2.7 m shed, and was wondering if it is any cheaper buying a set of plans from a shed company or draftsman, and sourcing all the materials myself, rather than buying a kit. Has anybody gone into this at all and can shed some light on the subject? (pardon the pun).

29th October 2006, 08:40 PM
Years ago I purchased a shed kit saves a lot of hassle you get all your nuts, bolts tek screws etc in one go, one bit of advise check it out on delivery a mate got his delivered and the roofinfing sheets had gone black from being left in the rain still packaged.

29th October 2006, 08:41 PM
The big savings in doing it yourself is if you can find some bargain materials.

29th October 2006, 09:39 PM
Unless you are on a large enough area a kit form may be easier as you will recieve a plan to submit to coucil for approval. Sourcing the materials you would have to have the plans drawn up and the extra cost may just make it not cost effective.


29th October 2006, 09:53 PM
Been there , done that, go for a kit unless you have metal working skills and have access to the right steel sections and all the good gear for cutting and hole punching.