View Full Version : Blackboy

29th October 2006, 02:32 PM
I have a potted blackboy plant, but am worried because it is not green anymore it has gone brown, is it dead?? what do i do?

29th October 2006, 02:35 PM
Put it on the lathe and see what you end up with!!!:D :D


29th October 2006, 04:23 PM
Burn it.


30th October 2006, 08:16 AM
Shame on you, it's an indiginous male plant, keep up with the times or you will have us in the shyte for racial discrimination:( :( :D :p

Vin Anderson
6th November 2006, 07:51 AM
Need more info to definetly tell you what is wrong. This variety of plant needs a certain type of soil bacteria around its root system, if the soil is disturbed in anyway this can up set the balance. E.G. re potting, weeding the spraying of round up or the dog lifting its leg on it, even to much sun on the roots from a change of shade around it. Dont fertilise it until you find out what has changed in its enviorment.
The bad news is that they dont usualy revieve, if they do it takes several years.

P.s dont put it on a lath it has no trunk just old/dead fronds, onr layer for every growing season of its life(usualy yearly).

Good luck.

joe greiner
9th November 2006, 09:54 PM
As widely known, USAns have had linguistics difficulties since 1776.:o
But, if it's called "black boy," why is going from green to brown considered a problem?


20th February 2007, 03:18 AM
But, if it's called "black boy," why is going from green to brown considered a problem?The 'trunk' of a Blackboy (the 'root' of the leaves) is black, while the leaves themselves are a dark green. When seeding, the Blackboy grows a tall spike tipped with a seedpod (also black or dark brown), often in excess of 1M.


journeyman Mick
20th February 2007, 09:54 PM
if you're still around and the blackboy is still looking sick chuck a match in it. Seriously, they like being burnt every so often.


22nd February 2007, 07:03 PM
Blackboys growing well outside our hospital in the Far West NSW in sandy soil covered with port pirie stone chips.
Grow in the wild up north
It's in a pot you say?
Hmmm - you haven't been giving it fertiliser - have you..?
Native plants HATE fertiliser. . .