View Full Version : Friday in the States--Sorry Al

Honorary Bloke
27th October 2006, 10:49 PM
With apologies to Al, it is now Friday here, so drivel on if you like until he pulls the plug. :D

I will be gluing up (and probably stuffing up as well) a small table for my home office this weekend. More work on my kitchen reno and putting together the newsletter for our local neighborhood association.

27th October 2006, 10:52 PM
:D Go for it.:D
I love drivel, special from the other side of the world.
I specialise in drivel, hey Ive got over 8k posts. :p

Al :)

27th October 2006, 10:55 PM
Hey Bob.
Just seen your sig.
Have you tried vegimite?
If not, send me your address via Pm and I will send you a jar.

I hate the stuff.:eek:

Al :p

Honorary Bloke
27th October 2006, 11:00 PM
Thanks. Actualy I HAVE tried it (mother always said "How will you know you don't like it if you haven't tried it? :) ) I must say that it is not exactly my cup o' tea. :eek:

Terry B
27th October 2006, 11:31 PM
Thanks. Actualy I HAVE tried it (mother always said "How will you know you don't like it if you haven't tried it? :) ) I must say that it is not exactly my cup o' tea. :eek:
That is exactly what some people do with it. Add it to hot water and make a drink.
I must not be a true aussie either as I also don't like the stuff. My kids eat heaps of it and they can have it.

27th October 2006, 11:42 PM
Good on yer Bob, I'm in your camp absolutely hate the stuff. To make matters worse every morning at tea break I have to watch two of my younger staff lather slabs of the stuff onto biscuits and proceed to eat it. Of course the best bit is as we provide morning tea and they get it in, so we even get to pay for it as well.

Sadly its patriotic to eat the stuff over here, shame it couldn't have been Cadbury's chocolate, which beats the brown stuff you have over there.

Cheers, John.

Tex B
27th October 2006, 11:42 PM
Yep, if the Al Qaeda gang ate vegemite on toast every morning, they'd spend the rest of the day guzzling beer to try and get the taste out of their mouth, and by evening we'd all be great mates.

Probly explains the high beer consumption here.


28th October 2006, 11:10 AM
What's wrong with you people?

Vegemite is great!

Just had some on my morning toast. :p

28th October 2006, 11:17 AM
well, can't say the american version of friday drivel went down as well:D

28th October 2006, 11:59 AM
You blokes can keep the trash .. Me mate ?? ha , sent us some in a care package ..
One of the National morning news programs here tried some on camera , live , awhile back , funny to watch 'em try to gag , and keep a straight face ..

Honorary Bloke
28th October 2006, 11:15 PM
well, can't say the american version of friday drivel went down as well:D

I'm afraid we are evidently just not up to the mark when it comes to drivel. Fortunately, we have several wonderful role models in the forum so we may be able to improve over time. Wait 'til next week! :D :( :D

28th October 2006, 11:26 PM
Now .. now .. now. Not likeing vegemite is completely UNAUSTRALIAN. Anyone living her in OZ and does not enjoy vegemite on toast will be shot on site.:D:D
Les ( Ozzie Les that is (ex South African)).

29th October 2006, 09:19 AM
The secret to enjoying vegemite is moderation (funny how I have that word on mind at present ) anyway, A little goes a long way. Vegemite is not jam, you don't slather it on, but rather scrape it on, very very thin -- Perfect!!!!

Yes a jar lasts a long time in my household, but it is enjoyed every single time :D


29th October 2006, 09:29 AM
The secret to enjoying vegemite is moderation (funny how I have that word on mind at present ) anyway, A little goes a long way. Vegemite is not jam, you don't slather it on, but rather scrape it on, very very thin -- Perfect!!!!

Yes a jar lasts a long time in my household, but it is enjoyed every single time :D


Even being a moderate moderator, :rolleyes: I cant stand the stuff in any other form than in moderation.

Al :p

29th October 2006, 09:33 AM
Even being a moderate moderator, :rolleyes: I cant stand the stuff in any other form than in moderation.

Al :p

A moderate quote froim the moderate moderator :p

Honorary Bloke
29th October 2006, 11:12 AM
The secret to enjoying vegemite is moderation-- Perfect!!!! Wendy

Ruffly! The secret to enjoying vegemite is dead taste buds. :eek: Moderation doesn't begin to describe it. :) :)

BTW--HB Gumby!!:D

29th October 2006, 08:28 PM
Hmm, ah well Bob, each to their own. You'd never get me eating Peanut butter and jam, sorry, jelly sandwiches - yeeecchh! ;) :D

29th October 2006, 09:46 PM
Wish you lot'd stop talkin bout food.

Thought a vegemite sandwich would go down real well

buttered the bread - shock horror - no vegemite anywhere

hadda settle fer a peanut butter an apricot jam (jelly) sanger :D

30th October 2006, 08:12 AM
Hmmm no wonder Americans seem slow at times, their fridays last a lot longer than ours do? Or do we need an American moderator to slam the door?:D :D :D :p

30th October 2006, 08:35 AM
Wish you lot'd stop talkin bout food.

Thought a vegemite sandwich would go down real well

buttered the bread - shock horror - no vegemite anywhere

hadda settle fer a peanut butter an apricot jam (jelly) sanger :D

try peanut butter and chocolate hail.... My kids introduced me to them yummmm