View Full Version : Shook Hands with a Digger - On the wrong side of the world
27th October 2006, 08:55 PM
I thought some of you might like this song by Beccy Cole. I believe she wrote it after copping some flak from her own fans. I think its a great song whatever you opinion is so try keep the politics where it belongs: Turn your speakers up:cool:
Wood Butcher
27th October 2006, 09:11 PM
IT is a great song Squizz.
Thanks for the link!
27th October 2006, 09:24 PM
That was great!
27th October 2006, 09:33 PM
That's great. ;)
27th October 2006, 09:48 PM
Carry Pine
27th October 2006, 10:39 PM
Rivetting stuff. Loved it. Thanks.
Carry Pine
27th October 2006, 10:45 PM
Why is she singing in an American accent?
Any Ozzie who sings in Yank loses me straight away.
Al :)
27th October 2006, 10:46 PM
So are you back then Squizz?
:D :D :D
27th October 2006, 10:57 PM
So are you back then Squizz?
:D :D :D
No..its just me..under s assumed name:o :D
27th October 2006, 11:13 PM
Only when I saw a post from you with "digger" in the heading I thought I'd be seeing pictures of these wopping great yellow things with big tyres and......
27th October 2006, 11:26 PM
Yes Yes..I picked it up last week and scratched the paint today...only its small and compact..the kids call it "The Numbat". They call the skid steer "Flat Cat" on account of I was doing some work around the ouse and the dog chased the neighbours cat and...well...Wongo!
Still waiting for the new truck...damn body builders..:(
27th October 2006, 11:32 PM
Why is she singing in an American accent?
Any Ozzie who sings in Yank loses me straight away.
Al :)
Get ya lugholes checked ya crusty old cumudgeon:rolleyes:
Actually I think its what they call a "country" accent...and thats where the trouble lies...nobody stipulated which country:confused:
Would you like me to post some John Williamson links Al???:D
27th October 2006, 11:38 PM
Would you like me to post some John Williamson links Al???:D
or worse: :eek: :eek: :eek:
27th October 2006, 11:44 PM
or worse: :eek: :eek: :eek:
27th October 2006, 11:58 PM
Get ya lugholes checked ya crusty old cumudgeon:rolleyes:
Actually I think its what they call a "country" accent...and thats where the trouble lies...nobody stipulated which country:confused:
Would you like me to post some John Williamson links Al???:D
I have a friend who sings "country" and dies every time he hears the American twang sung in a country song, I have to agree with him.
Its ok in Yank songs, but not in songs that have to do with Oz, trust me.
Al :)
28th October 2006, 12:08 AM
I have a friend who sings "country" and dies every time he hears the American twang sung in a country song, I have to agree with him.
Its ok in Yank songs, but not in songs that have to do with Oz, trust me.
Al :)
You'd be preaching to the converted old son...trying to sell ice to eskimos...
So what you think..we should get Troy Cassar (No I'm really an Aussie its just my voice) Daly to try and sing this:
Galleries of pink galahs,
Crystal nights with diamond stars,
Apricots preserved in jars,
That's my home.
Land of oceans in the sun,
Purple hazes, river gum,
Breaks your heart when rain won't come,
It breaks your heart.
It takes a harsh and cruel drought
To sort the weaker saplings out,
It makes room for stronger trees
Maybe that's what life's about.
Winter's come, the hills are brown,
Shops are closed, the blinds are down.
Everybody's leaving town,
They can't go on.
The south wind through verandah gauze
Whines and bangs the homestead doors.
A mother curses dusty floors,
And feels alone.
Trucks and bulk bins filled with rust,
Boy leaves home to make a crust.
A father's dreams reduced to dust,
But he must go on.
Tortured red gums - unashamed,
Sunburnt country wisely named.
Chisel-ploughed and wire-claimed,
But never, never, never tamed.
Whirlwind swirls a paper high,
Same old news of further dry.
Of broken clouds just passing by,
That's my home.
28th October 2006, 12:15 AM
You'd be preaching to the converted old son...trying to sell ice to eskimos...
So what you think..we should get Troy Cassar (No I'm really an Aussie its just my voice) Daly to try and sing this:
Galleries of pink galahs,
Crystal nights with diamond stars,
Apricots preserved in jars,
That's my home.
Land of oceans in the sun,
Purple hazes, river gum,
Breaks your heart when rain won't come,
It breaks your heart.
It takes a harsh and cruel drought
To sort the weaker saplings out,
It makes room for stronger trees
Maybe that's what life's about.
Winter's come, the hills are brown,
Shops are closed, the blinds are down.
Everybody's leaving town,
They can't go on.
The south wind through verandah gauze
Whines and bangs the homestead doors.
A mother curses dusty floors,
And feels alone.
Trucks and bulk bins filled with rust,
Boy leaves home to make a crust.
A father's dreams reduced to dust,
But he must go on.
Tortured red gums - unashamed,
Sunburnt country wisely named.
Chisel-ploughed and wire-claimed,
But never, never, never tamed.
Whirlwind swirls a paper high,
Same old news of further dry.
Of broken clouds just passing by,
That's my home.
Nice words, but I dont know who Troy Cassar (No I'm really an Aussie its just my voice) Daly is.
Al :o
28th October 2006, 12:19 AM
Nice words, but I dont know who Troy Cassar (No I'm really an Aussie its just my voice) Daly is.
Al :o
Well in that case I don't reckon your missing much Al;)
I originally posted the link because its what I call a "good comeback"
28th October 2006, 08:51 AM
Galleries of pink galahs
29th October 2006, 04:24 PM
I received this on another forum:
I don't recall it being against the rules to post links to other sites. (I can't be bothered to read them right now either.)
"Shook hands with a digger on the wrong side of the world", huh? I thought that was going to be a thread about me! Instead we get to see Beccy Coles, flirting with the army, as they're off to invade the US in the Vegemite War. (I honestly can't understand it--we Yanks have been accused so often of going to war for the sake of oil, and as nearly as I can tell, from reading the threads you sent me, Vegemite and Light Sweet Crude share many of the same properties, specifically taste, texture and color... Why would we try to keep it out of the country? I think you should be preparing for us to invade you too!
(I'd thought about registering and posting that, but was afraid someone might figure out that you were to blame, and I wouldn't want to get you in trouble with your countrymen.)<!-- / message -->
Auld Bassoon
29th October 2006, 05:21 PM
Just heard it, and thought it was just great. Not really my sort of music, but the message was very powerful, so good on 'er for doing it.
29th October 2006, 06:43 PM
Hate bumpkin twang and didn't bother to look at this, tonight I did, change of heart, a very potent message and very sincere, wish we had that in Vietnam.
29th October 2006, 08:08 PM
Nice words, but I dont know who Troy Cassar (No I'm really an Aussie its just my voice) Daly is.
Al :o
In that case then, do you speak Australian as your FIRST language, Al?
29th October 2006, 08:12 PM
In that case then, do you speak Australian as your FIRST language, Al?
I speak Mancuniun as a first language, Australian comes as part of my act.
I can flip in and out of Mancimiun, Liverpudlian ( I spent my yoof growing up in Cheshire) and Australian, it all depends on what is going on at the time.
When watching Little Britain I ususally speak Mancuiniun. :p
Al :o
29th October 2006, 08:50 PM
I spent my yoof growing up in Cheshire
Al :o
So that's where yer smile comes from,
yer bin copyin a pommy cat :p
29th October 2006, 08:58 PM
I spent my yoof growing up in Cheshire
Oooh no wonder I cant see you!!!!
Face me man, face me!!!
29th October 2006, 09:09 PM
I speak Mancuniun as a first language, Australian comes as part of my act.
I can flip in and out of Mancimiun, Liverpudlian ( I spent my yoof growing up in Cheshire) and Australian, it all depends on what is going on at the time.
When watching Little Britain I ususally speak Mancuiniun. :p
Al :o
I say old chap, better not be letting Camilla catch you..what!;)
29th October 2006, 09:28 PM
I speak Mancuniun as a first language, Australian comes as part of my act.
I can flip in and out of Mancimiun, Liverpudlian ( I spent my yoof growing up in Cheshire) and Australian, it all depends on what is going on at the time.
When watching Little Britain I ususally speak Mancuiniun. :p
Al :oIt matters not one iota what you speak as a first language. There is no hiding the fact that you sir are a Cultural Desert! ;) :eek:
While I hate country & western music with every fibre of my being I do know who Troy Cassa-Daley is! ;) :rolleyes: :eek:
29th October 2006, 11:55 PM
It matters not one iota what you speak as a first language. There is no hiding the fact that you sir are a Cultural Desert! ;) :eek:
While I hate country & western music with every fibre of my being I do know who Troy Cassa-Daley is! ;) :rolleyes: :eek:
Must be a Qbilly because I dont know of him either:D :D