View Full Version : 2 pack
27th October 2006, 08:11 AM
A few yrs ago..maybe 10 infact. If i didn't finish items with an oil wax mix i always used Miratone 2 pack.
You could spray and sand generally within 30 minutes. Very hard wearing and a nice Satan finish. Does anyone use this product today or a similar product for spray finish where hard wearing surface maybe required..things like kitchen bench tops, stair treads etc.
27th October 2006, 09:26 AM
Is that OK to spray with a good mask (P100/organic) or do you need all sorts of protective stuff? It is something I'd like to try. Look for it in google - Mirotone - still seems to be available though maybe now called Mirothane.
27th October 2006, 09:42 AM
Hi Murry, i use a Sundstrom mask with the appropraite gas cartridge. I can't smell anything using it.
Mirathane as you call it has always been regarded as one of the top industrial products.
I'm renovating my house...and i mean everything. The main reason i went this way so i could finsh what ever i made in one day. I made a very quick plastic spray booth outside..real rough and ready job but works well. I would sand then tac rags off all the dust after sanding and go for it. As it dried so fast i had almost no dust problems. The next time i will use it will be with a HVLP gun. I finished easily in one day getting on maybe 3-4 coats depending on the wood. The finish sets rock hard so it sands very well and the finish is really hard. At one time and may still be the case Miratone was used by the car manufacturers for there wooden dashs etc. So it is also fairly UV resistant from what i can see. They had quite a range of products. Including the nitro products but i wanted something very hard wearing.
I'm pretty sure this is the one i used.
27th October 2006, 10:11 AM
Sounds OK then. I have a dining table that needs re-finishing - just wear & tear and I was looking for a 2-pot mix to do it wikth. Thanks for the advice. I never smell anything through my 3M mask so I'll go ahead. Looks like the boys at Mirotone had some labour issues...
There are some references to Mirotone 2 on a shelving supplier's website but I can't see anything on the manufacturer's. Maybe superseded. Regards
27th October 2006, 06:30 PM
It's got heaps more info than the Aussie site, including PDF datasheets for download :
Eddie Jones
27th October 2006, 06:42 PM
.........Very hard wearing and a nice Satan finish.....
Bet it's a devil to apply though? (Boom Boom!)
27th October 2006, 06:49 PM
Yeah , great heat resistance as well.
30th October 2006, 07:45 AM