View Full Version : Anybody Collect Fossils over their or Arrowheads

26th October 2006, 12:49 PM
Well subject says it all anybody collect anything??

Just wondering.

I do ;)

Bleedin Thumb
26th October 2006, 12:52 PM
Sorry our natives didnt use bow and arrows. I collect rocks, Dingo collects children, Gumby collects greenies......

26th October 2006, 12:53 PM
My folks have a massive collection of artefacts - American Indian pottery and arrowheads, stuff from the Pacific Islands etc etc

Grew up playing with blowguns and PNG masks!

In my office I've started adding bits & pieces they give me- wood sculptures from Kenya, a PNG wooden crocodile etc.

Oh, and I collect woodworking equipment - and occasionally get out to the shed to use it too ;)

26th October 2006, 12:56 PM
Sorry our natives didnt use bow and arrows. I collect rocks, Dingo collects children, Gumby collects greenies......But they did use boomerangs and stone-tipped spears. (A boomerang was more than a toy- the one Dad has that is about 3' across would have left a kangaroo with a nasty headache.)

26th October 2006, 01:00 PM
I collect dust. :)

26th October 2006, 01:03 PM
Cobwebs here :rolleyes:

Bleedin Thumb
26th October 2006, 01:07 PM
But they did use boomerangs and stone-tipped spears. (A boomerang was more than a toy- the one Dad has that is about 3' across would have left a kangaroo with a nasty headache.)

Sorry, I was being a bit facetious, I have a beautiful ground stone axe head that I found in a remote part of Nth Qld.

26th October 2006, 01:21 PM
Us Aussies collect fossils, they all post messages here:D :D :D :p

26th October 2006, 01:24 PM
I collect dust. :)

I want to collect Felder machines but I'm on a Triton budget so collect that instead:( :( :(

However this promissory not (which looks like a Tattslotto ticket?) might get me there or the old Red Red Black Red
:D :D :D

26th October 2006, 01:51 PM
Us Aussies collect fossils, they all post messages here:D :D :D :p

We've only got one, so far. Fossil (http://www.woodworkforums.com/member.php?u=8982)

26th October 2006, 03:06 PM
Well subject says it all anybody collect anything??

Just wondering.

I do ;)

The trend here these days is to hand stuff back to the original owners, that is the descendents of those who were displaced. I don't think that that type of collecting was ever all that big in Oz, though. The indigenous peoples here moved around within certain areas (as opposed to nomads who wander anywhere) and therefore only produced things that they could carry.

My favourite television show at the moment is The Time Team. They do three day archeologica digs in Great Britain. It's fascinating.

26th October 2006, 03:24 PM
Lots of rare and valuable fossils here in Australia....unfortunately some people like to dig them out and hock them off mainly on the asian market. If you plan on getting your hands on some Ozzie fossils then make sure theyre legally collected.

Out on an oil rig looking at some fossils right now. Theyre Foraminfera, calcareous skeletal remains of microscopic beasties that either floated around as plankton or lurked around the ocean bottom during the Oligocene.

26th October 2006, 09:49 PM
Lots of rare and valuable fossils here in Australia....unfortunately some people like to dig them out and hock them off mainly on the asian market. If you plan on getting your hands on some Ozzie fossils then make sure theyre legally collected.

Out on an oil rig looking at some fossils right now. Theyre Foraminfera, calcareous skeletal remains of microscopic beasties that either floated around as plankton or lurked around the ocean bottom during the Oligocene.

have them here also.

Find them in Penn. deposits and in Lower Oligocene deposits in lower part of the state Cretaceous is big also Red River area.

Here is some of my collection all river finds.



Prince Charles
26th October 2006, 10:16 PM
Yarhss, Im actually married to one at this very moment old chap.


26th October 2006, 10:27 PM
I collect navel lint.

Does that count?

26th October 2006, 11:58 PM
Here is a couple of sites you might like to visit

