View Full Version : W/B House: Wooden Stumps missing Ant Caps
25th October 2006, 07:03 PM
Just wondering if anyone has any ideas on the easiest way for me to insert some 'ant caps' for a weatherboard house. There are 3 stumps missing these on the perimeter of the house.
The only way i guess is to jack up the joist close to the stump enough to insert them for each, but where do i get such a tool from and will i do any damage doing this myself? I am by my status suggests, an amateur, but im not too bad at house repairs etc.
I want to do it myself as I was assuming this was a fairly simple job... but do i really need a professional to do this instead?
Appreciate your comments,
Cheers !
25th October 2006, 07:27 PM
To jack up the joist close to the stump enough to insert a ant cap I would use a hydraulic car tolley jack and a spare stump.
Place something solid on the ground for the car trolley jack not to sink into soft earth and place the stump on the jack between the joist and the jack. Then just jack it up a little bit.
Quite easy when you get the hang of it. A ordinary car trolley jack is adequate as I have done it many times. It would help if you flatten one side of the ant cap to reduce the gap needed and then bent it back again.
Metal Head
25th October 2006, 10:14 PM
Personally having seen the "so called professionals" do it on our house, I would suggest using a bottle jack. They take up less space than a trolley jack and the base doesn't move as you jack it up;) - far more STURDEE - pardon the pun:D.
26th October 2006, 11:24 AM
Great advice chaps ! Thanks Sturdee and Metal Head !! I have a limited amount of space so i think the bottle jack option might be the go this time.
Thanks again !
7th November 2006, 10:27 PM
Don't forget to cut any nails that are holding the bearers onto the stump.:)
12th November 2006, 03:51 PM
its important also to remember that "ant caps" wont stop the entry of termites into a building. AS3660.1 is quite clear that ant caps are designed to force white ants to build their mud tunnel around the outer edge of the cap and hence expose their existence at an inspection. If your worried about white ants in your area (and there appears to be quite a fear campaign being waged by the pest control industry at the moment to have Councils declare their areas termite prone) you should inspect all areas of possible entry into your building, especially damp and poorly ventilated sub floor areas, at least once a year. Any breaches over an ant cap will allow their entry without you knowing about it. Having said all this it is better to be cautious.
12th November 2006, 05:55 PM
Stew, welcome :)
The hyd bottle jack is the go I reckon, be careful to ensure the supporting blocks are stable, my old man didn't & busted a couple of ribs when they "popped out" under duress. Silly bugger.
16th November 2006, 06:33 PM
Sage advice scooter, DaveT and Shark
At last i have some time off to give it a go this week.