View Full Version : Ashamed for Werribee

25th October 2006, 08:38 AM
Looks like you lot are right. Werribee is home to the lowest form of shyte.

This DVD is clearly a response to those stupid Jackass type shows on TV etc, pull out all stops and prosecute these kids to give the message we don't need their sort of crud:(:mad: :mad: :mad:

And their parents knew about it as well:mad: :mad: :mad:

Ok now back on my medication:D

25th October 2006, 08:45 AM
I'm with you Benny, according to this mornings papers a couple of the kids parents just laughed it off, which simply disgusts me. As a father of daughters I find this particularly revolting that not only was the girl involved put through a humiliating and revolting ordeal but the perpetrators parents social values are that poor that they cannot see the damage their children have caused for what it is.

Hopefully the police can bring charges that make it clear that this behaviour will not be accepted in our society.


25th October 2006, 09:01 AM
The mongrels are lucky the didnt do it to a child who's dad is a phsyco like me.:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

They would all be maimed for life by now.:D

Al :p

25th October 2006, 09:10 AM
I'm with you Al, trouble is we would probably be the ones who got time for the retribution:( :( :(

25th October 2006, 09:13 AM
Nothing like a little respect through fear.

Al :p

25th October 2006, 09:16 AM
Don't be to tough on the poor little buggers Al, no need for a heavy handed approach, just quickly cut their little nuts off and let them be.

25th October 2006, 09:23 AM
Don't be to tough on the poor little buggers Al, no need for a heavy handed approach, just quickly cut their little nuts off and let them be.

Hear, hear!!

25th October 2006, 09:25 AM
Foxtel should stop putting that crud on, just encourages them.

25th October 2006, 09:29 AM
It is a different world now. Some kids just need to be judged as adult.

25th October 2006, 09:30 AM
I'm with you all - they are just low lifes and a waste of space on this earth

25th October 2006, 09:56 AM
My daughter just turned 14. If any of these mongrels had attempted this sort of stunt with her, I am afraid I would not remain a reasonable man if I identified any of them. My belief is that they fully understood what they were doing - there are NO excuses for their behaviour. Let's hope the police charge them, and let us also hope that the court system punishes them. Having worked in Juvenile Justice for a while, I saw too many times kids like these getting a stern word from the magistrate, a few months probation, and then able to get on with their life (albeit with a record).

I also worked with victims of sexual assault for a while. It is tragic how long the effects of even a 'minor' assault linger, and the range of impacts the assault can have on the victim's life.

Let's hope true justice prevails.

25th October 2006, 12:19 PM
I knew perfectly well what I was doing at 17 (even 16, 15 etc etc - I had my full car licence at 15 - how much more aware of your responsibilities can you get) - what was right, what was wrong. How come these little ##### can get away with being treated as juvenile?

25th October 2006, 01:31 PM
It seems to be the trend everywhere these days though. As so many plead not guilty because they claim it was the upbringing they had. Or its a disorder that allows them to run riot. Look at the hard work done by the police to bring them to justice only to have it thrown out when they get in front of the judge. All because they claim to show some remorse in their actions. Then they get back at it once their back on the street. Do the crime and do the time I say.

25th October 2006, 01:47 PM
It's a damned shame that these little pieces of ordure will have their identities suppressed by the court after they were happy to publicise their activities.

S'pose if they published their identities the queue to sort them out would be too long to manage.

Wood Borer
25th October 2006, 02:19 PM
The crime committed was horrible (rape)

The torture of the victim (setting on fire) was almost as bad

The filming of the event as a momento and something to show others is extremely sick

The lack of remorse by the parents and the alleged explains it all and seems to give a clear direction how to mop up and prevent this terrible behaviour. Whether it be an environment effect or a genetical effect it comes back to the family.

I just hope John C was directing his punishment to the parents, the alleged and any other potential breeders from that blood line. We don't need them or their offspring.

25th October 2006, 02:44 PM
The crime committed was horrible (rape)

The torture of the victim (setting on fire) was almost as bad

The filming of the event as a momento and something to show others is extremely sick

The lack of remorse by the parents and the alleged explains it all and seems to give a clear direction how to mop up and prevent this terrible behaviour. Whether it be an environment effect or a genetical effect it comes back to the family.

I just hope John C was directing his punishment to the parents, the alleged and any other potential breeders from that blood line. We don't need them or their offspring.

Although tongue in cheek it could only refer to the male members, in reality the whole family is the problem. It would be timely to see the parents charged with aiding and abetting or something similar to make it clear that this degraded behaviour is not going to be tolerated within our community. It would also be of some relief I would hope to victims that this will not be treated lightly.


Honorary Bloke
25th October 2006, 10:39 PM
"Those involved in the attack were likely to be angry, resentful poor achievers who had not developed a set of values."

"Somewhere along the line they have not learned to have a social conscience and to respect the dignity of human beings," says Dr. Cheetham, a child psychologist, speaking to the Herald-Sun. :mad:

Somewhere indeed. At home, that's where. :mad: :mad: :mad:

25th October 2006, 10:52 PM
I was driving through Werribee a few years ago on my way to Werribee Park (where the old mansion is) and I had my car window down on a hot day. All of a sudden my senses were assailed by the most disgusting smell. I thought it was the sewerage treatment plant. I was wrong. It must have been the spawning of the little sh*ts allegedly responsible for setting fire to a defenseless vagrant and raping a defenseless 14 year old girl. Shame on them and more shame on their totally irresponsible parents. This country is going to the pits. Too many parents these days have absolutely no sense of responsibility. The courts should assign a proportion of the blame to parents for the sins of their kids and make THEM do time if the kids are treated as juveniles. That'd wake them up. :mad:

My 10 cents worth.

Cliff Rogers
25th October 2006, 10:57 PM
"....Somewhere indeed. At home, that's where. :mad: :mad: :mad:
Nailed it.... my wife went back to teaching after an eleven year break, she lasted 4 years teaching grade 1 & 2 & chucked it in & took up selling real estate 'cos it is easier. :cool:
She said the parents & the system are all 'wrong' now. :(

25th October 2006, 11:44 PM
News just came out, two of the kids were turned into the police by their parents. Looks like some parents have a brain.

Also the police are threatening anyone caught with a copy of the DVD or attempting to download the video with child charges..

This could get interesting