View Full Version : Peter Beattie, Brain Surgeon
24th October 2006, 08:38 PM
Peter Beattie?
Rocket scientist or thick as pig poop?:confused:
I am not sure this man should be in control of a car let alone a state!;)
I apologise if this offends anyone. :D,7034,20637318%255E1702,00.html
24th October 2006, 08:43 PM
It could be right, it fades cutains faster too doesnt it?
Al :p
Dr Jan Itor
24th October 2006, 08:55 PM
It could be right, it fades cutains faster too doesnt it?
Yep. Also, the paint peels quicker and the cows dry up. :p
24th October 2006, 09:23 PM
He's no idiot. He's also had a whole lot of skin cancers removed. But I'm a leftie, so political bias may be involved. :)
24th October 2006, 09:35 PM
He's also had a whole lot of skin cancers removed.
He must have lived where they had daylight savings then?
Al :confused:
24th October 2006, 09:43 PM
I think his point is that we spend more time in the sun when there is daylight savings not that there is more sun.
Still he's a politician (= frick wit)
24th October 2006, 09:45 PM
Gees Grunt do go spoiling it by getting serious.
Al :p :D
24th October 2006, 09:54 PM
Beattie's no fool. He knows daylight saving time doesn't make one iota of difference to the actual amount of sunlight. But his electorate, on the other hand.....?:rolleyes:
24th October 2006, 10:26 PM
we will now apparently get daylight saving in WA. Until now a major reason for not having daylight saving is that blokes would have the "morning glory" in the bus on the way to work. The WA govt said that they would compensate in the way of more leg room in the busses and trains. :D:D:D
24th October 2006, 10:26 PM
I'd prefer night-light saving myself :)
24th October 2006, 11:33 PM
we will now apparently get daylight saving in WA. Until now a major reason for not having daylight saving is that blokes would have the "morning glory" in the bus on the way to work. The WA govt said that they would compensate in the way of more leg room in the busses and trains. :D:D:D
Not even going to go there...:D
25th October 2006, 10:34 AM
If anything, it's going to decrease skin cancers in kids because the worst time of the day to be out and about is from midday. If you get the kiddies out for lunch at 11:00 instead of 12:00 they're back inside by 12 and out of the worst of it.
25th October 2006, 11:13 AM
All of you blokes in the "enlightened" states can laugh but now we will be 25years + 1 hour behind the rest of Australia. The pollies and the crap [remember this is the "Smart" state] they go on with[milk, curtains, skin cancers, kids can't sleep etc] has succeeded in scaring the daylights out of most of the voters - yep, hard to believe but you should hear some of the conversations on the street.
25th October 2006, 11:27 AM
All of you blokes in the "enlightened" states can laugh but now we will be 25years + 1 hour behind the rest of Australia. The pollies and the crap [remember this is the "Smart" state] they go on with[milk, curtains, skin cancers, kids can't sleep etc] has succeeded in scaring the daylights out of most of the voters - yep, hard to believe but you should hear some of the conversations on the street.
As you know, the WA State Parliament had a vote on the subject yesterday. I was idly listening to one of the local talk-back radio stations yesterday morning. This is something I would normally avoid like the proverbial but I knew the daylight saving issue would bring out the nut-jobs in all their bizarre glory. I was not disappointed!
The particular talk-back show in question has a shock-jock who likes to take the p!ss so he was in deadpan wind-up mode. The results were hilarious. One woman could not get it into her head that changing the clocks didn't actually affect the hours of sunlight. She was really angry about the fact the the WA pollies were going to give us an extra hour of dangerous sunlight every day!:D
25th October 2006, 01:16 PM
Here's one from left field.
If daylight saving must happen, have it in the winter.
Why you ask?
Well from what I can gather daylight saving is for the extra hour of daylight at the end of the day to do hobbies/sport etc.
In the winter there is little if any daylight at the end of the working day. So that is when an extra hour of daylight is wanted.
But Ohhh Nooo, that would mean getting out of bed in the dark....we couldn't have that could we:D
25th October 2006, 01:21 PM
Yeah that's OK for you lot. In the middle of winter it's getting dark here by 4:30, so if I knocked off an hour earlier, I'd get about half an hour if that. And who wants to do anything outside in the middle of winter? Too bloody cold.
The other thing is that at this time of the year, the sun is coming up at 5:30, so who can sleep in anyway?
25th October 2006, 01:32 PM
The other thing is that at this time of the year, the sun is coming up at 5:30, so who can sleep in anyway?
The bloody birds start-up at around 4:45 at our place. :(
25th October 2006, 02:16 PM
The bloody birds start-up at around 4:45 at our place. :(
A fricken kamakzi bird smacks into my bedroom window most mornings at 5am or there abouts. Not once but about 5 or 6 times before it decides it has a headache and better go lie down.
25th October 2006, 06:01 PM
The thing that people forget it that it's damned hot here. In summer, when you work in the heat all day, the last thing you want is to have that heat prolonged. Mostly we scuttle inside to air conditioners. When you look at summer temperatures in Brisbane, that hover between 30 and 36, you need to incorporate the wicked humidity that makes it seem like 42.
I remember that I was in Mt Isa when daylight saving was first mooted for QLD, and most people were horrified. Buzzer's on the right track, I believe, because winters up here are outstanding (as a converse result of the wicked summers). More daylight saving in winter would be great.
Dr Jan Itor
25th October 2006, 06:09 PM
More daylight in winter would be great.
Surely you mean more daylight during everybody else's winter? We don't need daylight saving during our winter (the 10 days of the ekka) because that's the only time it's cold.
25th October 2006, 08:05 PM
Surely you mean more daylight during everybody else's winter? We don't need daylight saving during our winter (the 10 days of the ekka) because that's the only time it's cold.
Daylight saving, Doc, daylight saving.:D I'd never really thought about it until Buzzer suggested it, but it sounds good to me. In winter I often go down to the shed and work as fast as I can before I get the call to dinner, and extra hour would be great. I might even beat the rooster.
In summer I go down and turn the air con on. Yes, an air con in the shed. Can't live without it.
25th October 2006, 08:53 PM
Lets get one thing straght. Queensland (gods own country) does not have winter!!!!!:D
We moved from Canberra to Brisbane in July 1996 and within two weeks of moving there I was riding my motorbike into the city from Eight Mile Plains, the weather was a glorious 25 degrees and I was wearing a t-shirt and jeans!!! I would still be up there but SWMBO decided that we should have a family and bring the kidlets up in Canberra where we have winter days that are lucky to rise above 0 degrees.
I know that there are other folks out there that have much lower temps than these but at least we know what cold is!;)
26th October 2006, 07:04 AM
Yep Doughboy I have to agree with you on that one. I lived in the Hawkesbury valley for 13 years before I moved here and winter was the first thing I noticed that really didn't exist. Summers knocked me about though. I found it a lot more humid than what I was used to in Sydney, the first summer was a real killer. Put an aircon in this year so it should be a bit better here at home.