View Full Version : New Home Needed for my Dog :(

23rd October 2006, 01:17 AM
http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h283/Swiftden/Demon16.jpgHello every one

I own 4 siberian huskies. Mum(Dusk), Dad(Blade), Demon(son) and

Sadly Demon and his dad have come to a point in life where Demon is
trying to be the boss and is fighting with his dad. Demon is 3 and 1/2
years old desexed/microchipped black and white male.

This has resulted in two visits to the vets in less than a week. with
stiches, glue and tablets to fix them up. I cant keep up with this
and i do not want either dog to be hurt. We have tried to put them
back to gether and Demon still trys to take on his dad. He is fine
with female dogs and i guess this is only natural.

I have the problem where i do not want him to leave my home but he can
not stay either. I love him dearly and do not want him to come to
harm. I have decided to try and find him a new home but i do not want
him to go to a cess pit where he will be treated badly. He has a great
nature and is very friendly. I do not want to put up a free to good
home add as they attract any one off the street and living in Murray
Bridge will probably lead him to a bad home.

If any one can help or offer advice please respond to this post.

23rd October 2006, 01:28 AM
Beautiful shop-dog mate. Hope you find an appropriate 'foster family' :)

23rd October 2006, 09:51 AM
Shame you are not in WA as we are at the point of getting another dog to replace the much loved Goldie we lost to a road mishap.



23rd October 2006, 10:14 AM
Hope you find a good home.

25th October 2006, 12:06 AM
sorry but Bump.

25th October 2006, 12:29 PM
Stuck the thread for you - let me know by PM when it can be unstuck. Crap situation - had a similar dilema myself recently. Hope you have better luck finding him a new home.

One alternate possibility - would one of the electronic dog collars work? Put on the aggressor, it would give an electric jolt if he got too noisy (aka barking, fighting etc). Alternately, it could be used as a proximity warning for him - if he gets too close to the other dog, he gets a jolt. Just some ideas. (www.k9solutions.com.au) I have one of their bark limiter collars. (Works on the dog too)

sea dragon
25th October 2006, 12:34 PM
Hope he goes to a place not too far from you so you can get occasional visiting rights.
We had to give away our princess last year. The fact my wife let her go now has me on tenderhooks; if she could bear to part with the dog, when will it be my turn?:eek: :eek:

25th October 2006, 02:16 PM

Just thought I'd let you know we had a similar situation several years ago with two (related) dobermanns.

We were able to find a home for our dog from some distant friends, who took her home for 'access' visits first, then weekends, and were finally able to give her a wonderful home with several kids to play with. We kept in touch with them, visited her when we were near, and came and said goodbye before she died.

It was a fantastic outcome, all but one point - the other dog died just two months after giving this one away.

Good luck - keep advertising, you'll eventually find the right home for him.

25th October 2006, 06:52 PM
Firstly Stuart thankyou for that and i will be sure to let you know. Didnt want to be a pain by sending it to the top of the list but i really need to find him a home.

Everyone else thankyou for the support and kind words. Yes it is a tuff desicion especially since i have watched him grow from nothing to something. I was even invovled in the emergency c section and delivery. Which was very cool.

I am still trying to find him a home how ever i have not put him in the local paper or up on nitice boards as i dont want to attract a bad home :(

One can only hope something comes along for him soon and taht i can visit from time to time or get emails/photos :)


9th November 2006, 06:47 AM
Still no home for Demon yet. He has been a pretty good boy considering his confinement at the moment. I do have someone coming to meet him this weekend. Fingers crossed that he is ok and that i think it will be a good home.

Hopefully demon likes him to as i dont want to send him away with someone he cleary doesnt like. After all the rehouse is all about the dog being happy not about just getting rid of the problem.

Will let you all know how i end up going


9th November 2006, 09:55 AM
Hope it works out for Demon.

9th November 2006, 10:56 AM
Good luck for both of you.

14th November 2006, 08:02 PM
THIS TOPIC CAN BE CLOSED. Thanks anyway but i have found a home for him.

14th November 2006, 08:51 PM
Congrats, hope it turns out a good one