View Full Version : SPEED CAMERAS ??? Cash cows

22nd October 2006, 03:37 PM
Hi fellow Australians I believe this is of interest to everyone who tries to obey the law. this website www.fightfines.info (http://www.fightfines.info) is an excellent site informing the Australian People what is going on and how to resolve this menace.

Remember always.....

A Sovereign man/woman asks questions and gives directions ..

A Slave answers questions and consents to all directions whether they are right or wrong...

Eddie Jones
22nd October 2006, 04:57 PM
Hi fellow Australians I believe this is of interest to everyone who tries to obey the law. this website www.fightfines.info (http://www.fightfines.info) is an excellent site informing the Australian People what is going on and how to resolve this menace.

Remember always.....

A Sovereign man/woman asks questions and gives directions ..

A Slave answers questions and consents to all directions whether they are right or wrong...

From what I am led to believe, speedos CAN and DO read higher than the real speed, but NOT lower.

So what exactly is your problem?

22nd October 2006, 06:23 PM
A Sovereign man/woman asks questions and gives directions ..

As you so wisely put a Sovereign man asks questions so may I ask you these simple questions: Who specifically is behind this website? :confused: Who are these concerned citizens?:confused:

BTW the real menace on our roads are the maniacs who blatantly disregard the laws and speed and when caught claim that law enforcement is all about revenue raising. If they don't want to pay these fines then don't speed.:mad:


22nd October 2006, 07:42 PM
How about you just slow down, mate?

If you drive over the limit and hit one of my family, a fine will be the last of your worries.

Gooses that whinge about getting caught when they break the law.... and a whole website of them. I would have thought that they'd be too ashamed to want to be known.
Mr niksfree, like the ad says...you are a bloody idiot.

22nd October 2006, 07:50 PM
How sad to see how quick people are conditioned to shooting the messenger without looking at the message ie read the website, it has nothing to do with blatant speeding or breaking the LAW. Remember what was once said ... He who is without sin can cast the first stone...
If you had read the governments own documents you will see that claims such as those posted are just that claims without substance. No I do not speed or promote breaking the law but I expect the government to abide by the law namely our constitution.

Oh i just had a thought. It has been said that woodworking can be a dangerous hobby with all the glue fumes etc.

22nd October 2006, 07:51 PM
Hi Niks

The idea behind speed cameras is very simple.

To reduce the average speed of vehicles on the road within or as close as possible to the speed limit imposed by traffic engineers.

Here is how simple it is to show just how stupid that site you linked to is.

If all the drivers complied with the speed applicable to the road then the camera wouldnt go flash and fools wouldnt complain and the govt gets nothing.......The only downside is that the speed camera company goes broke but thats life.

Simple Hey!

If you cant see a big white sign with red numbers on it (the size of a small child by comparison if you can make the distinction) then really you dont deserve to be on the road.

Speed is not the only factor in serious collisions, but in my experience is evident in at least a 1/3 to 1/2 of all serious collisions.

Stupid site. :rolleyes:

22nd October 2006, 08:10 PM
If all the drivers complied with the speed applicable to the road then the camera wouldnt go flash and fools wouldnt complain and the govt gets nothing

I've only had a quick look at the site but it seems to be mainly concerned with being fined for speeds within 10% of the limit which is a bit harsh when cars are only required to have a speedo accuracy of +/-10%.

22nd October 2006, 08:15 PM
NIKS sent this to me by PM

"Hi may i respectfully ask that you read the facts before uttering ridiculous statements and showing the world ignorance"

Now I wouldnt normally do this but thought it worth a giggle :)

I wonder who the forum thinks is ignorant :confused:

Dazzlers credentials;

4 years Traffic Accident Investigations - Investigating serious/fatal collisions including drafting of collision sites

4 years vehicle causational investigations mechanic - full mechanicals on vehicles involved in serious/fatal accidents

Another 11 years enforcing the laws and responding to accident

Come on NIK.........your up mate :D

22nd October 2006, 08:21 PM
Almost forgot,

Current ADRS

As of the 1st of July, 2006; all new model motor vehicles in
Australia must comply with ADR 18/03 which is aligned with UNECE
Regulation 39/00 (Rev 1.).

In terms of accuracy, it requires that vehicle speeds be checked at
40, 80 and 120 km/h (as appropriate to the vehicle - the highest
speed is only required if the vehicle's maximum speed is faster than
150). The speedometer must not indicate a speed lower than the true speed.


22nd October 2006, 08:23 PM
Speed cameras etc do not worry me. I do not speed......
Never had a ticket for anything, even parking....:)

Do not break the law and there is no problem.
Break the law and --------

80 = up to 80 not 80 + a bit----

22nd October 2006, 08:24 PM
Hi fellow Australians I believe this is of interest to everyone who tries to obey the law. this website www.fightfines.info (http://www.fightfines.info) is an excellent site informing the Australian People what is going on and how to resolve this menace.

Remember always.....

A Sovereign man/woman asks questions and gives directions ..

A Slave answers questions and consents to all directions whether they are right or wrong...

for fooks sake, go and visit Iraq for 6 months and then come back and complain about getting a fine for speeding, I'm sure a lot of people need a visit to some shytehole to put things in perspective

22nd October 2006, 08:29 PM
for fooks sake, go and visit Iraq for 6 months and then come back and complain about getting a fine for speeding, I'm sure a lot of people need a visit to some shytehole to put things in perspective

Why would you stick your nose in someone elses backyard we have enough problems here if you care to look.

Studley 2436
22nd October 2006, 08:34 PM
I'll have a lash at this Dazzler.

First of all the government has no standard for training drivers and fails to comply with the Australian Standard so far as speed limits is concerned.

Speed is involved in every accident that ever happened. If there were no speed there would be no collisions. A car at 1 km/h has speed and might be involved in a collision. Remove all speed and there will be no collisions.

Haven't looked at the web site yet but being a driver who sticks to the speed limit at all times I was booked for doing 99 in an 80km/h zone two weeks ago. Might have been a hidden sign with one of the new wheelie bin cameras that got me. Stings almost as much as the time I was done 5 years ago. I was obeying the limit and a speeding car drove past me. We were both in the photo and I got a fine. Don't know what happened to him.

In Melbourne they removed unmanned Speed Cameras as they were shown in court to be unreliable. In the twelve months after the cameras were removed there was a 25% reduction in accidents and fatalities on that road compared to the twelve months before when the cameras were operating. Basically being free of the 2km/h "tolerance" drivers concentrated on driving safely.

Economist Alan Woods has presented evidence of the reduction in fatalities and the cost to reduce it further and proved it is no issue at all. It is just a headline grabber that politicians like to use to distract voters from more important issues that the Politicians don't want to tackle for fear of offending some minority.

Introduce some driver training in things that matter such as panic stops and swerving to avoid a collision and (particularly here in SA) roadworthy checks that matter and you will see a far greater reduction in the fatality count. Cameras are easy money and the stuff that will have an effect requires commitment to a greater good. Not something politicians of any colour are good at.

In fact a long straight boring country road at 100 km/h so boring it is no wonder there are accidents. Make the speed limit 160 or 180 and see a reduction in the road toll.


22nd October 2006, 08:36 PM
NIKS sent this to me by PM

"Hi may i respectfully ask that you read the facts before uttering ridiculous statements and showing the world ignorance"

Now I wouldnt normally do this but thought it worth a giggle :)

I wonder who the forum thinks is ignorant :confused:

Dazzlers credentials;

4 years Traffic Accident Investigations - Investigating serious/fatal collisions including drafting of collision sites

4 years vehicle causational investigations mechanic - full mechanicals on vehicles involved in serious/fatal accidents

Another 11 years enforcing the laws and responding to accident

Come on NIK.........your up mate :D

Yes you make me laugh as you still have not read what is written on the site including the statements made by the victorian auditor general who relied on people like you for his reports.

22nd October 2006, 08:40 PM
Another bloody troll. (http://www.woodworkforums.ubeaut.com.au/showpost.php?p=345034&postcount=9)

Ive read through all your posts, and 90% are just utter rubbish.

Al :)

22nd October 2006, 08:42 PM
Yes you make me laugh as you still have not read what is written on the site including the statements made by the victorian auditor general who relied on people like you for his reports.

lol...can't believe I got sucked in by a troll :p

22nd October 2006, 08:42 PM
No nik, I can cast the first stone here.
Its simple, don't speed and you don't get a fine. I've been driving since 95 and never had a fine.

And its a real smart move to join a Wood Working forum, put up a post about speed camera's and then gob off at your detractor with a comment like this:
Oh i just had a thought. It has been said that woodworking can be a dangerous hobby with all the glue fumes etc. which pretty much is a slap in the face to all of the forum members, members that you are trying to appeal to support your cause.

Intelligent.... or a comment from a 'bloody idiot"?

22nd October 2006, 08:44 PM
Another bloody troll. (http://www.woodworkforums.ubeaut.com.au/showpost.php?p=345034&postcount=9)

Ive read through all your posts, and 90% are just utter rubbish.

Al :)

yep, realised it myself after my first reply, slappin my forehead :o

22nd October 2006, 08:46 PM
yep, realised it myself after my first reply, slappin my forehead :o

Dont worry, it happens to the best of us. :p

Al :)

Studley 2436
22nd October 2006, 08:57 PM
Yeah but guys I got dudded by the system by the looks twice now. Everyone knows I am not a troll and I am just saying that the speed campaign is a bit of a cop out.

Mind you I have spent a day at a driver training course and we in our own cars tried out a panic stop and 50 and at 60 K's It makes a big difference a real big difference in the stopping distance.

However at 50km/h a Brand new Toyota Avalon went screaming right through the test area and down the race track all locked up. Brakes were crap tires were crap at 50 it took twice as long to stop as a 20 year old Nissan Gazelle that was all jacked up and should have been defected. Neither car had ABS.

Cars with ABS were stopping in about 1/4 the distance of the Gazelle. The Avalon was too far down the track to measure. Mazda 3 and Mazda RX8 were the class of the day. But those public service Avalons. MY GOD I didn't realise it was possible to make such an unsafe car. There was an ABS Corolla there on the day that was better than the Avalon but worse than the Gazelle!

Won't ever see me getting a Toyota.

Statistically the majority of collisions are nose to tail. nothing to do with speed but everything to do with being too aggresive following too closely.

The campaign against that is BACK OFF. Just the sort of thing that is likely to cool things off don't you think?


22nd October 2006, 09:13 PM
80k is 80k so what is your problem?

Toolin Around
22nd October 2006, 09:15 PM
When I read the website I would have to say you have a point but you're still a whinger so no one will take you seriously.:D ;)

Studley 2436
22nd October 2006, 09:19 PM
Wongo I am yet to see the picture, however I am pretty sure that I was done over on this one.

I was done a blinder last time the other guy was speeding the camera couldn't identify the car it was photograping (traffic cop told me so) and I got a fine!

Would have fought it but time lost off work wasn't worth it.


22nd October 2006, 09:29 PM

First off as far as i am aware we have no wheelie bin cameras in operation in South Australia. And i do say yet!!.

2nd if you think it was the case of the camera getting the wrong person did you request the photograph ?

Whilst down at the academy a fellow recruit received 4 speeding fines on his motor bike. FACT :- not possible as during all of them he was in class at the SA POLICE academy at Fort Largs. Bike parked in car park.

Requested photo and when received it showed a road bike with large chrome shockers on the rear and twinmufflers. His is a dirt bike ?? the bike in the picture had obviously changed /altered his number plate.

Id always check the photo before paying.!!

Being a police officer myself i go to alot of accidents. and yes following too close can be one of the biggest problems. Speed can kill also . but what it comes down to mostly is just plan old stupidity of alot of drivers.
Not that i suggesting that of you or any other on this forum.

NIK you need to get over it and stick to the speed that is set in place then people like me wouldnt have to waste tax payers money wasting our day with the likes of you .

Humble Police officer.

22nd October 2006, 09:35 PM
OzWinner-what's a troll?

22nd October 2006, 09:42 PM
Studley, I wasn’t responding to your post. I was responding to yet another speed camera vs revenue argument.

The rule is simple, whether it is for road safety or revenue it is their business. If you do yor bit by staying under the speed limit then they won’t bite you.

22nd October 2006, 09:46 PM
OzWinner-what's a troll?

Someone who starts/causes trouble on the internet then dissapears.

Al :mad:

22nd October 2006, 10:04 PM
Starting trouble???hmmm all i did was post a website and the attacks commenced by those who appeared to have a vested interest to protect and the only decent comments were from those who read the information on the site. Labelling me a troll it was obviously an attempt to divert the attention of those who can think for themselves from looking at the site.

Studley 2436
22nd October 2006, 10:08 PM
No worries Swifden. I don't know what happened this recent time I was booked. Being on a strange road I might just have been inadvertantly over the limit coming from a 100 k zone. I don't know not yet. It still stings like heck because I try to keep the speed limit.

I'll have to find out what happened because it was two days later they took a reading from the camera.

There was once I got a notice for going through a red light but I wrote and said I have diary entries for the day that put me somewhere else. In fact I hadn't been anywhere near the place the photo was taken for some years. They wrote back and said it was a mistake. All I know about that one, but it doesn't give anyone confidence in the system.


22nd October 2006, 10:10 PM
Starting trouble???hmmm all i did was post a website and the attacks commenced by those who appeared to have a vested interest to protect and the only decent comments were from those who read the information on the site. Labelling me a troll it was obviously an attempt to divert the attention of those who can think for themselves from looking at the site.

Remember always.....

A Sovereign man/woman asks questions and gives directions ..

A Slave answers questions and consents to all directions whether they are right or wrong...

Now you are answering questions. :confused:

Al ;)

22nd October 2006, 10:26 PM
How sad to see how quick people are conditioned to shooting the messenger without looking at the message ie read the website, it has nothing to do with blatant speeding or breaking the LAW. Remember what was once said ... He who is without sin can cast the first stone...
If you had read the governments own documents you will see that claims such as those posted are just that claims without substance. No I do not speed or promote breaking the law but I expect the government to abide by the law namely our constitution.

Is that you ZED :D

22nd October 2006, 11:23 PM
Got another one have we?:mad:

23rd October 2006, 01:04 AM

No worries mate. Here in SA the cameras are not run by SA Police they are run by Police security (contractors).

I wouldn't trust the system either . I would request a camera photo every time.

23rd October 2006, 01:50 AM
Dazzlers credentials;

4 years Traffic Accident Investigations

4 years vehicle causational investigations mechanic

Another 11 years enforcing the laws and responding to accident

C'mon Dazz.....where's your credibility??:confused::D:D:D

Ive read through all your posts, and 90% are just utter rubbish.

Al :)

Oh crud. Nice knowing you all. I'm guilty of the same and will probably be banned! :(


23rd October 2006, 07:48 AM
Oh crud. Nice knowing you all. I'm guilty of the same and will probably be banned! :(
Don't worry Felder, you're going ok, it will only take a little bit more effort to get your utter rubbish posts up to a decent 99% like the rest of us.

You're almost there! Don't give up now!

:D :D :D

23rd October 2006, 07:26 PM
Hi Niks
Sorry to take so long to get back to you. Just to assure you that I did in fact visit the site lets have a look at the information on speedo error;
(Site info in blue)
(check out the truth in red ;) )
Reasons for Speedometer Error Tolerance
There are sound technical reasons for a car speedometer having a wide tolerance, particularly under ADR 18/02. Unlike the new ADR 18/03 which applies to vehicles registered after 30 June 2006, ADR 18/02 does not provide any test qualifications to its required error tolerance of ±10%, consequently there is no known base calibration point. The factors that influence the accuracy of the speedometer are:
1. Diameter of the tyre.
2. Accuracy of the speedometer sensor.
3. Accuracy of the speedometer indication.
4. Ability to accurately determine the reading on the speedometer dial.
It is important to note that there is a fundamental difference between speed measurement by a device such as police radar and a car speedometer.
DER - They use two methods to achieve the same outcome.
The police radar device is measuring the time taken by an object to move between two points, and within the accuracy of the device, calculates a speed.
No, radar uses the doppler effect to calculate speed which is a change in frequency of radio waves.
The car speedometer is based on an assumption. It typically measures the speed of the rotation of the drive train or wheel and calculates a speed. The assumption is that the tyres are a known circumference. Significant error is introduced into the assumption when the tyre circumference alters due to tyre pressure, tyre wear and load in the car. <O:p></O:p>
Summary of Speedo Errors
<TABLE class=MsoNormalTable style="MARGIN: auto auto auto 6pt; 95.28%; mso-cellspacing: 1.5pt; mso-padding-alt: 4.5pt 4.5pt 4.5pt 4.5pt" cellPadding=0 width="95%" border=0><TBODY><TR style=" 662.25pt; mso-yfti-irow: 0; mso-yfti-firstrow: yes; mso-yfti-lastrow: yes"><TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: #e0dfe3; PADDING-RIGHT: 4.5pt; BORDER- #e0dfe3; PADDING- 4.5pt; PADDING-BOTTOM: 4.5pt; BORDER- #e0dfe3; 99.3%; PADDING- 4.5pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: #e0dfe3; 662.25pt; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent" vAlign=top width="99%">1. Diameter of the tyre due to tyre wear. <O:p></O:p>
New tread depth is 10mm, legal minimum is 1.6mm. Difference of 8.4mm changes the tyre circumference by an average of 2.9%
Any wear is in the favour of the driver because the tyre gets smaller, rotates faster so displays a higher speed on the speedometer 3% No its 2.9% (lets stick to the facts even if they are wrong)
2. Diameter of the tyre due equivalent tyre sizes <O:p></O:p>
Alternative tyre sizes of different widths and profiles are permitted to be fitted to the car. These can alter the circumference of the tyre by up to 3%. If the operator chooses to change the tyre from that which is origianal equipment then problem belong to them.
3. Diameter of the tyre due to tyre pressure <O:p></O:p>
On a 215/45R17 tyre, altering the tyre pressure from 22psi to 40psi alters the height of the tyre and consequently its circumference .2% yes it gets bigger but who is doing this. The manufacturer sets the recommended tyre pressures and they are displayed on the tyre placard. Stick to the recommended pressure no problems.
4. Diameter of the tyre due to load in the car <O:p></O:p>
On a 215/45R17 tyre, with a tyre pressure of 22psi, adding 60kg for a full tank of fuel, 150kg for two adults in the rear seat and 60kg of luggage alters height of the tyre and consequently its circumference. 2% Once again the tyre is smaller, speedo reads higher.
5. Accuracy of the speed sensor on the gearbox <O:p></O:p>
Typically a device that measures measures the rotation in the gearbox. It is usually fairly accurate, typically 1 rpm in 1000. ± 0.1%

Who says, who measured this?
6. Accuracy of the speedo dial indicator <O:p></O:p>
If a specialist Speed Detection Speedo is only accurate to +/- 2 km/h accuracy and displays in 1km/h increments, what makes you think your speedo is equal or better?<O:p> ± 3%
Police speedometers are checked for accuracy to within this range so that if you are booked they will write it down by at least this amount which is in the favour of the motorist as it will put them in the right fine bracket.
7. Resolution of the speedo indication <O:p></O:p>
The graduations on the speedometer dictate the degree to which the speed can be resolved. ± 2%What does this mean? Graduations are wrong? by 2%? Who measured this?
8. Eye sight, ability for the eyes to focus on the speedometer. <O:p></O:p>
It is a medical fact that in people 40 years and over the eye starts to loose it's flexibility due to age and consequently the ability of the eye to rapidly refocus, or to refocus on close objects diminishes. The error will depend on the resolution of the indication and is likely to be twice the width of the speedo needle. ± 2%

I love this one, lets add in old peoples eyesight as a reason. Poor buggers. What about people of asian background, surely we can bring them in on it as some have poor peripheral vision.
We could add in people with crooked necks, I am sure there must be an error there.Or perhaps tall people who look down at an angle or short people her have to look up.Or chicks with large breasts, they sloop forward due to the weight so maybe they are too close to see properly.What about a tall, crooked necked, asian, chick with super dooper breasts, must be out by 30%.
TOTAL-There are two errors to summate:absolute errors, such as those due to tyre wear, and the ± error tolerance. <O:p></O:p>
Total of the absolute errors (1,3 & 4) is 8%. These give 8% variation in the car speed, independent of instrumentation errors. <O:p></O:p>
Total of the tolerance errors (5 & 6) is ±3.1%. This is the accumulated error of the instrumentation. <O:p></O:p>
The readers ability to determine the reading (7 & 8) adds another ±4%.Total possible error to determine the speed of the car will be:±7% (or 14% absolute), PLUS the absolute errors in speed of the vehicle of 8%.20% or ± 10%Note: the error due to alternative tyre sizes (2) is not included in the total above. This would increase the total to 23% or ±11.5%.


And here is the really stupid part. Lets make up garbage percentages and add em all up to support a stupid arguement.
See.....told you it was a stupid site.
And just to add in a little life experience in all my time in traffic/accident investigation no one who has complained that there speedo was out took up my offer to take the car to the police approved instrument certifier to have it checked. Not one....you know why.....cause they all lied :D .

23rd October 2006, 07:58 PM
8. Eye sight, ability for the eyes to focus on the speedometer. <O:p></O:p>
It is a medical fact that in people 40 years and over the eye starts to loose it's flexibility due to age and consequently the ability of the eye to rapidly refocus, or to refocus on close objects diminishes. The error will depend on the resolution of the indication and is likely to be twice the width of the speedo needle. ± 2%

I love this one, lets add in old peoples eyesight as a reason. Poor buggers. What about people of asian background, surely we can bring them in on it as some have poor peripheral vision.

As someone who has to wear spectacles in order to drive ( or do many other things :D ) my licence is endorsed that it is only valid whilst I'm wearing my correct spectacles.

So my understanding is that if a person's vision deteriorates to the extent quoted at that website they cease automatically to be licensed to drive and as such that argument is invalid.


23rd October 2006, 08:04 PM
All I can think of for a reply is.
The state election is just weeks away.

Al :o

23rd October 2006, 10:01 PM
maybe its better if you check out the forum caps that are on offer. A foiley might help.

Studley 2436
23rd October 2006, 10:18 PM
Mind you it is a fair point that the Australian Standard for Speedos is looser than the tollerances they put on speed cameras. I don't think that website mentioned that.

I was happier when the whole thing was administered by the police and they would pull you over if you were caught in the act.

Getting a notice a few days or a week later you can't really remember or be sure what happened at the time of the alleged incident thus losing your ability to defend yourself.

Personally I am very interested in the placement of cameras and also their calibration, that is the testing of the cameras to see that they are returning an accurate reading. Remember that the speed of sound and light waves varies due to factors such as tempreture humidity etc etc. The angle that the camera faces the oncoming vehicle is an issue too. There is sadly little reporting on this. I don't like the assumption that they work because the manufacturer says so.


23rd October 2006, 10:39 PM
Dazzler, so eloquently put and well presented, I grade you a distinction.:p :D :D :D C'mon Niksfee, the silence is deafening!:D :D :D

23rd October 2006, 10:43 PM
I am a bit of a bugger on this one because I reckon it is not revenue raising if you dont get caught. I speed, like most of us, to about 10 km over the limit but no more. If I get caught I cop it on the chin and take it. I cant stand the people who cry like they are little goodie two shoes and go on about it being revenue raising...... bottom line is if you dont want to add to the coffers then dont speed and dont run red lights.

To me it is simple. Sorry if this offends anyone. Not my intention.


24th October 2006, 08:55 AM
As someone who has to wear spectacles in order to drive ( or do many other things :D ) my licence is endorsed that it is only valid whilst I'm wearing my correct spectacles.

You need contacts:rolleyes: :rolleyes: (tongue firmly planted in cheek)

Eddie Jones
24th October 2006, 11:19 AM
Why would you stick your nose in someone elses backyard we have enough problems here if you care to look.

Yes, Nik old son -Some of our largest problems are dorks like you who are permitted, by our system of government, to make total fools of themselves in public. Try tree hugging - it's more trendy.

24th October 2006, 10:33 PM
The Victorian Premier Steve Bracks stated on radio 3AW when asked if police will operate speed cameras, He replied that the Police will not operate speed cameras as they were given more important jobs such as maintaining LAW and ORDER.

My question is, What is the purpose of speed cameras???

24th October 2006, 11:09 PM
My question is, What is the purpose of speed cameras???

Hey Niksfree, how about answering my questions first before you carry on any further with your nonsense.


25th October 2006, 01:56 AM
Strewth Nik, the purpose of speed cameras is to try and catch stupid buggers before they kill or injure someone. Once caught and maybe given a decent fine, the idiots might just slow down a bit. As for me, I reckon there ought to be more of the cameras around, and good on 'em if they raise a few quid - if anyone is stupid enough to speed - ie break the law - let them pay for the privilege. Yeah, I occcassionally slip over the limit when I am on a highway or freeway, but not all that often. And if I get caught, I will pay up and take it on the chin.

Happen to know a little girl who was hit by a speeding car - the driver got a speeding fine - the little girl got permanent severe brain damage, a leg 2 inches shorter than it used to be, and a host of other problems that will be with her for the rest of her life. She was 11 when she got hit.

The message is simple, pull yer head in, go somewhere else, and bleat about something that matters.

And to be on the safe side, drive 5k UNDER whatever the speed limit is where you are and you will have no worries! And while you are going just a little bit slower, think about exactly what you would do with the extra one or two minutes you would have saved if you were travelling at the speed limit!

I live 20 k from town. If I drive all the way at 100 k - the speed limit - it takes me 12 minutes neat. If I drive at 95 all the way, it takes me 12.6 minutes...now what could I have done with those 36 seconds had I been doing 100?

You and your fellow morons should really get a life and let the speed cameras get on with the job. And I will bet my life that there is NOBODY who has not exceeded the speed limit at least once, including your good self and your mates with the web site - it's just that now and again people get caught and have a bellyache about it because THIS TIME they got sprung - how convenient it is to forget about the times they were NOT caught!

And by the way, the speedo on my Mitsubishi starwargon under-reads the speed by 6% - I have repeatedly checked it against the local copper's radar gun and the VicRoads speed monitors.

25th October 2006, 08:47 AM
.now what could I have done with those 36 seconds had I been doing 100?

Ive got a jar on the kitchen bench where I chuck all my spare time, so far Ive got 2 years saved up, and with daylight savings coming this weekend Ill get some more.

Al :cool:

25th October 2006, 10:58 AM
Ive got a jar on the kitchen bench where I chuck all my spare time, so far Ive got 2 years saved up, and with daylight savings coming this weekend Ill get some more.

Al :cool:

Al, this nikwit character is the resident loony on this thread :rolleyes:

25th October 2006, 05:18 PM
Looks like nikwit has gone to serve the noble purposes of humanity - perhaps he has found an issue that matters.........:o

Studley 2436
25th October 2006, 05:50 PM
Sadly there are fools that ruin it for everyone. Sorry to hear about the little girls injuries that is cruel. Mind you that points to a more serious problem with the courts we had one famous one here where a Judge knocked over a pedestrian very possibly while he was drunk and failed to stop. Went home and called his lawyer. Reported to Police a day or two later for a breath test. He pleaded that he was in shock and confused so didn't stop and got away with it.

I don't think speed is really the issue that people say it is. Reckless and wild behaviour, Aggressive driving very likely cause far more deaths and injuries. Frustration tiredness likewise are major causes of errant behaviour that leads to accidents. We have a good one here. Our main road to Victor Harbour is bendy and solid lines all the way (there are many places where overtaking is possible but not permitted) then there is one nice long stretch of straight road. There are always a ton of bad accidents every holiday on that straight bit, because people go nuts for the one and only chance to get past the slow car in front of them.

Anyway that is why I think that speed cameras don't have much to do with safety. Not while they refuse to insist on drivers being trained and fail to make roadworthy inspections compulsory. Did you know the first time most people attempt a panic stop it will be in a situation when they are trying to avoid a collision? Most accidents happen nose to tail. Personally I would prefer more Police doing a bit of old school policing. Pulling up aggressive and ill mannered drivers and holding them up for 15 minutes while they check the rego and roadworthyness. Guy gives them lip and hassle under the old school they just made a charge for whatever was appropriate. MMMMM sadly this means pulling the courts into line as Police doing this are likely to be in trouble themselves. We have all most likely seen footage of young hoons giving Police a lot of #### and the coppers not doing anything. Pity they can't pull the loudmouths in for questioning and a few hours in the lock up. Do it because they are a hazard to themselves and others so in the interest of public safety.........


25th October 2006, 11:02 PM
http://www.woodworkforums.ubeaut.com.au/images/ubeauthead8.jpg (http://www.woodworkforums.ubeaut.com.au/index.php?)

Even so, I have to say my bit:
Everyone should get a GPS and use it as your speedo. I use mine and it is dead acurate... DEAD ACCURATE.

If you speed and get caught then stiff, that's your problem you did the crime so you pay.

If you drink and drive, do drugs and drive, or drive with a mobile phone in your ear, same deal. The law is the law. Stop bleating about it.