View Full Version : Going Rates For Tradies
21st October 2006, 09:18 PM
Just wondering what are the Going Rates For Tradies?
21st October 2006, 09:20 PM
Penny a dozen.
How many do you want?
Al :confused:
21st October 2006, 09:26 PM
Buy one....get one free:D
21st October 2006, 09:29 PM
I can only comment for sparkies.
Country Vic $40.00 ph, Melbourne Met $60-$80 ph, Industrial $80-$160 ph
WA, NT, North Queensland and Mining Industries, about $160,000 PA ........... and that where we are all heading.;)
21st October 2006, 10:38 PM
there was an article in the paper the other day (so it must be true) about how tradies in the Cairns region and out on the mines were earning over 100 grand a year...including painters and tilers :confused: Nice work while you can get it, a lot of the younger blokes seem to think it will last forever so they're out buying the flash utes, houses etc...of course it never does :cool: I'm old enough to remember the recession we had to have...
Rates per hour, dunno, 70 or more for plumbers up here, similar for other trades I guess :confused:
22nd October 2006, 12:57 AM
I can only comment for sparkies.
Country Vic $40.00 ph, Melbourne Met $60-$80 ph, Industrial $80-$160 ph
WA, NT, North Queensland and Mining Industries, about $160,000 PA ........... and that where we are all heading.;)
Now ... now Mr Sparky. One behalf of all of us here in WA - please stay put in Victoria. :D
Bleedin Thumb
22nd October 2006, 01:17 AM
a lot of the younger blokes seem to think it will last forever so they're out buying the flash utes, houses etc...of course it never does :cool: I'm old enough to remember the recession we had to have...
I always get amazed when I see young blokes (tradies) in their flash ss utes or their 4x4's. Ive had my own busness long enough (24 years) to know that overheads that dont pay for themselves are luxuries. Luxuries are OK even good for you sometimes but you have to be able to afford them for the life of the lease etc, not just the here and now when you think times are good.
As far as rates go ........mate you cant afford me!
Jack E
22nd October 2006, 04:01 AM
I can only comment for sparkies.
Country Vic $40.00 ph, Melbourne Met $60-$80 ph, Industrial $80-$160 ph
WA, NT, North Queensland and Mining Industries, about $160,000 PA ........... and that where we are all heading.;)
Good luck.
I left the mining industry to go in to electrical industrial construction.
It means I get to go home every day, only work a 56 hour week instead of 14 x 12 hour days followed by 7 days off.
The best you will do as a mining sparky in QLD is about $120k
The best paying industrial construction sparky job is in Townsville, paying about $140k, trust me:)
Cheers, Jack.
22nd October 2006, 07:08 AM
I can only comment for sparkies.
Country Vic $40.00 ph, Melbourne Met $60-$80 ph, Industrial $80-$160 ph
With wages like that, I should chuck in my job and become an industrial sparks in Melbourne!! It would be well worth it!
Oh, hang on... I AM an industrial sparks in Melbourne!
Unfortunately, just not one with a price tag like that! :eek:
I guess with my 26 years of breakdown experience, knowledge of 5 PLC programming languages, a certificate of industrial electronics and an advanced diploma of applied science just doesn't warrant the high price tag. ;)
Seriously though, we're as rare as hens teeth and it goes back to the late '70s, early '80's when a kid would apply for an apprenticeship and be up against 200-300 other kids going for the same thing.
Unfortunately in my travels, I'm yet to meet another sparks that has a wage that matches the mis-conception that most people have about our price tag.
22nd October 2006, 07:45 AM
our business employs a few tradesmen (carpenters) and many subcontract companies who in turn employ tradesmen. our work is in the construction industry, and in the sector covered by what passes for union agreements these days (whatever that is). Most tradies would make between $70k and $80K, with a 45-50hr week. Labourers working a 60-65 hr week consistently can make $100K+, as can tradesmen, if they put in the big hours. It seems to me that there is big money to be made at the moment, but as always, when you are on wages, the way you make big money is by working long long hours. I dont know if it is the Pot'O'Gold that it seems.....
22nd October 2006, 08:01 AM
In our area (Riverina region of NSW)bricklayers are on around 85cents a brick + GST.This is a standard rate for normal going but we also get a few extras for things such as windows sills ($22 per lin mtr +GST)Piers around ($20 per mtr in height)Finishing both sides of a wall (garage etc)Gable ends ,excessive machine cutting of bricks for curved or angled walls,fireplaces (around $1000 extra plus the brickcount)etc,etc.My nephew is in Perth and my son and I both went over to help him set up his bricklaying business for a few weeks and found that they don't get much more then we do over there even though everyone is saying to go over and make a fortune.They are on approximatly 90cents a brick but they are doing lots of "gutswork"and of course it is much faster than facework.Other than in footings we rarely lay common bricks.Bricklayers are generally getting less than $40 per hour on wages in Perth(although decent ones seem to be hard to find ) and we have to pay around $35 per hour here in Wagga for bricklayers to fill in with us when needed.
Regards Terry
22nd October 2006, 09:59 AM
well it depends are you australian or are you imported thers a big difference
23rd October 2006, 10:43 PM
Now ... now Mr Sparky. One behalf of all of us here in WA - please stay put in Victoria. :D
It's time we eastern tradies came over there to "Wait A while" and got you lot sorted out.
You have had it far too good, for too long !
I figure if the Federal Reserve puts my interest rate up, because of WA booming ecconomy .......... WA can bloody pay for it !!!
I've just got to get used to drinking that Swan crap !
23rd October 2006, 10:54 PM
I've just got to get used to drinking that Swan crap !
Over here we do not drink that rubbish. We ship it over east.:D
Les (in the west where it is best):p
23rd October 2006, 11:02 PM
With wages like that, I should chuck in my job and become an industrial sparks in Melbourne!! It would be well worth it!
Oh, hang on... I AM an industrial sparks in Melbourne!
Unfortunately, just not one with a price tag like that! :eek:
I guess with my 26 years of breakdown experience, knowledge of 5 PLC programming languages, a certificate of industrial electronics and an advanced diploma of applied science just doesn't warrant the high price tag. ;)
Seriously though, we're as rare as hens teeth and it goes back to the late '70s, early '80's when a kid would apply for an apprenticeship and be up against 200-300 other kids going for the same thing.
Unfortunately in my travels, I'm yet to meet another sparks that has a wage that matches the mis-conception that most people have about our price tag.
Aaaarrrrreee, Mr Malibu, there's the point.
There is a hell of a difference between "charge out rate" and a wage.
I was once employed by a world famous ( or infamous ) German electrical company.
They were only too happy to charge $140 ph, min 4 hour call out, to have me reset, and program dump.
Not all pirates wear eye patches and have a parrot on there shoulders.;)
24th October 2006, 09:14 PM
So what sorta money do chippies and handymen etc charge for labour?
25th October 2006, 01:58 PM
Got a mate here who will do an 8hr day for $350 as cash (43.75 an hour). A friend of the family is a retired chippy and he still does cashies at $30 an hour.
25th October 2006, 02:05 PM
When the guys were doing our extension earlier this year, they charged $140.00 an hour - two licensed builders and an apprentice. Dunno how much they each got out of the 140 though. When the electrician came he was working at $70.00 an hour. Local mechanic charges $75.00 for labour.
Me, I am self employed these days, doing paving, painting, gardening, etc. I charge one customer $24.00 but the rest are at $22.00 an hour. I know a few guys doing exactly what I do are charging between $28 and $32. Personally, I reckon anything more than $24.00 for what I do is ripping people off - after all not a highly skilled line of work and I actually love my work, so getting paid for doing what I love seems like a good deal to me.