View Full Version : Dumping Rubbish
21st October 2006, 09:04 PM
I went out for a shoot today, to try and keep the Red dog, and easter bunnie population down,:) and lo and behold the lengths people go to just to dump rubbish in the bush:mad: :mad: :mad:
I was WAY off the beaten track, but there it was!!!!!! a bloody old matress and plastic milk bottles?? It makes me so mad, I would "love" to catch someone doing it one day.
What is wrong with these people???? they would probably save more on the tip fees than they used in fuel??
21st October 2006, 09:12 PM
Yep same here, I take the metal detector for a run every now and then,
I can be 100's of meters from a made road or track and find the same sort of rubbish.
The effort these people put in to hide rubbish make you wonder.
Al :mad:
21st October 2006, 09:17 PM
Its not only the bush. Last week i was on the bike at the Mordi creek and some wanker had dumped about 10 large bags of garden waste:( Carnt catch them because they do it in the middle of the night:(
21st October 2006, 10:44 PM
same up here, going for firewood up in the forestry reserve a few years ago and came across a few big bags of rubbish dumped by some count, pigs had gotten into it and strewn it everywhere...:(
22nd October 2006, 09:11 AM
We had a lovely tenant in a house we rented out, shot through in arrears and dumped over 200 green bags in the inground pool.
Cost me over $5K to get it back into working condition as the paint was stuffed, and I got awarded $150 by the residential Tenancy tribunal:mad:
The only solace I got was that she never changed her address and I used her group certificates as fire lighters.