View Full Version : A Cold & Wet Friday

20th October 2006, 11:41 AM
I'm waiting for the crane to arrive to lift the windmill pump out of it's hole so it can be serviced.

Its cold and wet, I hope the crane truck turns up.

Don't feel like going out to the shed even though I should finish off gluing up some veneer leaves into sheets but its too cold to bother.

Typical Southwest weather.

Not even much of intrest on the forums too.

End of whinge.

Might go and have look through the bush and see If I can find a big pittosporum, should make nice chess pieces with its off white colour.

20th October 2006, 11:48 AM
A lovely sunny 26 here. :p

And I'm going to a steak restaurant for lunch.

Wooh Hoo! :D

20th October 2006, 11:53 AM
About 24 here at the moment. Fine and sunny :)

SWMBO picking me up for lunch today. Don't know where we are going yet. It's a surprise!!

Could be turnip surprise. The surprise being that it's just a turnip. So it's really just a turnip. :p

20th October 2006, 12:46 PM

Its cold and wet, ........

Ha - I wish

Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry - Gee did I mention we haven't had any rain for a while.
Temp - currently 29C in the house - 34.5C in the shed - even with the fans going.

At least in Victoria you could have 30+C by tomorrow - 4 season in 1 day

20th October 2006, 02:41 PM
bugger you echnidna, you have sent the bad weather up here....

20th October 2006, 10:02 PM
bugger you echnidna, you have sent the bad weather up here....

shuddup poo ba bux rain whats that:eek:
