View Full Version : What Would You REALLY Like To Make?

20th October 2006, 10:18 AM
Disregarding costs or limitations of tools or skills etc

From Wood or metal or plastic or any other medium

What Would You REALLY Like To Make?

Andy Mac
20th October 2006, 10:26 AM
Hi Bob,
I noticed you didn't venture your dream project!:rolleyes:
My ultimate project would have to be a timber and aluminium open wheeled sports car, of my own design of course...but inspired by the '30's and 40's:cool: :D. Be shame to go that far and not be able to actually use the thing though.

Keep dreaming!

20th October 2006, 10:36 AM

20th October 2006, 10:38 AM
1. My kitchen

2. Something totally amazing, artistic, ingenenious and usable that would involve hand carving, dovetails, squiggles, wooden hinges and latches, all my favourite timbers, that would win a major woodworking prize, and have a book written about it (and me) , that I'd be able to sell for lots of $$ so I could do more woodwork.... The only problem is, I don't know what it is yet:eek: :rolleyes:

20th October 2006, 10:39 AM
I really don't have a dream project.

I should finish building the CNC router that I started over 10 years ago.

Have thought of making a glass display cabinet from a hollow tree from the Ash Wednesday bushfires

Thinking of a chair design to suit a tree stump pedestal table, I don't really like twig furniture so its a matter of designing an eclectic chair to harmonize with the table.

I like your period style car idea, now if it was a ute......

20th October 2006, 10:42 AM
Id like to make 15 million dollars at the casino, tax free.

20th October 2006, 10:58 AM
Id like to make 15 million dollars at the casino, tax free.

I get emails all the time telling me I've won bigtime,
just post yer email address and I'll forward them all to you. :D

20th October 2006, 11:26 AM
A difference!!:)



20th October 2006, 01:50 PM
A Tamboured sideboard made from Macassar Ebony and sterling silver details

20th October 2006, 01:53 PM
A full size replica Avro504K, mainly wood and canvas, but such a lovely aircraft.

Realistically, Grandperson clock.

20th October 2006, 02:25 PM
Disregarding costs or limitations of tools or skills etc

From Wood or metal or plastic or any other medium

What Would You REALLY Like To Make?

I'd add time to the disregarding list, Bob. What I'd like to make really is impossible: antiques.

20th October 2006, 02:28 PM
....... it rain...


20th October 2006, 02:31 PM
I sometimes have this really surreal dream where I make something without any stuffups :rolleyes:


20th October 2006, 02:35 PM
I sometimes have this really surreal dream where I make something without any stuffups :rolleyes:


Now that is a true impossibility for me too !! :D

20th October 2006, 02:47 PM
1. My kitchen

A kitchen is basically easy to make.

Whether faceframe cabinets or small boxes all screwed together.

Laminex is easy to work with a router.

The main tools you need are a straightedge and power saw, electric drill with drill & driver bits and a small router and bits if you are going to make laminex benchtops.

Reckon a heap of melamine faced chipboard is a good swap for a 4 barrel carby. :cool:

20th October 2006, 03:42 PM
A full size replica Avro504K, mainly wood and canvas, but such a lovely aircraft.

Realistically, Grandperson clock.

Well there you go Benny, 3 things in common - woodwork, we're Librans and love of aircraft :D. You wouldn't consider building a Mosquito? You're right tho, the 504 is a beautiful thing.

I'd like to build one of the heirloom toolchests out of the toolbox book.


20th October 2006, 04:03 PM
I have both just 4km down the road, a replica 504 and a Mossy in the process of rebuild at the RAAF Museum.

And a toolchest for the kids is another one I want to do.

20th October 2006, 04:25 PM
A kitchen is basically easy to make.

Whether faceframe cabinets or small boxes all screwed together.

Laminex is easy to work with a router.

The main tools you need are a straightedge and power saw, electric drill with drill & driver bits and a small router and bits if you are going to make laminex benchtops.

Reckon a heap of melamine faced chipboard is a good swap for a 4 barrel carby. :cool:

Boxes - lotsa boxes :D Just think how good I should be at dovetails after doing the whole kitchen with dovetailed drawers :eek: :D:cool:

Router - Tick
Drill - Tick
I'm halfway there :)

Lignum - that would be one amazing cabinet!!!!


20th October 2006, 09:55 PM
I'd really like to design and build the perfect steam car, with an ultra economical boiler and a carbon fibre body with real wood trim and leather upholstery. A pipe dream really, ADRules prevent anyone from being individual, the oil and motor companies stifle all competition, and anyone who tries to be different has all the obstacles known to man and beast thrown in front of them.

20th October 2006, 10:08 PM
I'm working at RAAF Williams at Laverton, and in the SNCO Mess there is the original propellor off some plane that was the first to fly from the UK to Australia... it had to be put down in the desert to fix a cracked prop, and they repaired it with some corrugated iron, rebalanced it and kept going.
Do you know the one? An Avro???

A great story... "Yep, she's cracked, but I'll just fix her up with this and she'll be right as rain"... :D

Oh, a project....
at the moment its fake (hollow) beams for the ceiling in our bedroom, and to finish restoring the bloody table the missus bought before she kills me.... everything else can wait as SWMBO is about to question my need for buying tools! :eek:

20th October 2006, 10:12 PM
I'm working at RAAF Williams at Laverton, and in the SNCO Mess there is the original propellor off some plane that was the first to fly from the UK to Australia... it had to be put down in the desert to fix a cracked prop, and they repaired it with some corrugated iron, rebalanced it and kept going.
Do you know the one? An Avro???

A great story... "Yep, she's cracked, but I'll just fix her up with this and she'll be right as rain"... :D

Oh, a project....
at the moment its fake (hollow) beams for the ceiling in our bedroom, and to finish restoring the bloody table the missus bought before she kills me.... everything else can wait as SWMBO is about to question my need for buying tools! :eek:

Ross and Keith Smith did that one I believe.

In a Vickers Vimy. You can see a replica of it at Adelaide Airport.

20th October 2006, 10:12 PM
Oh, a project....
at the moment its fake (hollow) beams for the ceiling in our bedroom,

Dont forget to brace them well enough to support the weight of the mirror:)

20th October 2006, 10:26 PM
A Vickers Vimy... think thats the one. I'll have to read the history note that hangs up beside it... the original aircraft (minus the propellor the Sgt's scored:D ) is in the Laverton Museum and is restored??

Mirror on the ceiling.... :rolleyes: ... nahhh... I've thinking of putting up pictures of myself in 'heroic' poses.

Terry B
20th October 2006, 11:39 PM
I would like to make one of those all wooden clocks with wooden cogs etc. I have seen the plans but the expertise is beyond me at present. Maybe one day

20th October 2006, 11:44 PM
Did you know that the replica was actually flown from the UK to Oz.?

True story.

Andy Mac
21st October 2006, 04:06 PM
Had a few minutes spare today, so I did a bit of a doodle of the sort of thing I'd love to build... a single seater open-wheel woodie, like the boat-tail roadsters of the 20's and 30's!:D


21st October 2006, 05:42 PM
I have to agree with Ruffy - I want to build a kitchen (for my sweet SWMBO). From raw timber! All the frames, shelves, doors, drawers, smart storage ideas, etc, etc. The whole shebang. And with brushed stainless steel kickboards and polished concrete benchtops. And I'm gunna do it too........soon as I build the cottage. Then when I get my very own workshop/shed I'm gunna make fancy little inlay boxes. Sigh.

21st October 2006, 06:55 PM
Dovetail boxes
A piece of work that is truly mine that I am proud of
Like Flowboy, a difference
To make others happy through my work
a piece that is tactile as well as visually pleasant
And finally, accept that as a fisher king that the grail is always within reach and to work to truly appreciate the beauty that is in all of us.

22nd October 2006, 09:53 AM
Andy Mac how soon before I place an order, just love it much better fun than a kitchen esp. if the bobtail came in kit form. True story.... years ago we stayed with a family in Tennessee USA and he was building 2 Cobra kit cars. Why two asks I? "weeaall I coudend deecide whart wars beest soos I boort em both."Silly bugga was building em in his basement then demolish half the garden including 120 year old Oak & Dogwood trees to get them out.

sorry for hijacking the thread Tony

22nd October 2006, 02:08 PM
I'd really like to build a musical instrument of some sort. That guitar course at Monsalvat looked good at the show.

A full size replica Avro504K, mainly wood and canvas, but such a lovely aircraft.

When I first started work as an apprentice at Qantas, I was fortunate enough to work on restoring a 504K. From memory, they found the original Qantas airframe with a different engine in it, and had to find a Gnome rotary to match the original. To celebrate Qantas' 40th birthday, Hudson Fysh was going to take off & fly past the terminal, apparently DCA approved it but qantas decided it was too risky, so he just taxied past.

Also did a bit of work on the Bleriot that delivered the 1st air mail while at tech.

22nd October 2006, 04:56 PM
No restrictions at all................. then it would be something like this


Auld Bassoon
22nd October 2006, 05:17 PM
I have both just 4km down the road, a replica 504 and a Mossy in the process of rebuild at the RAAF Museum.

And a toolchest for the kids is another one I want to do.

Hi Benny!

Where do your mob source their Merlin's from?

When in Jersey, an ex school mate worked as an engineer for an outfit called Aviation Jersey. One of their main things at the time (mid 70's) was building/re-building Merlin, Meteor & Griffon engines for various customers around the world.

Watching a 2-stage, 2-speed supercharged Merlin running a full bottle on the dyno was a sight (and sound!) I shan't easily forget.

Such a small package, really, for a 27/36 litre plant. Beautiful engineering...