View Full Version : What is justice????
18th October 2006, 08:18 PM
Oh My God!!!!!
I just heard on the National Nine News tonight that Maurice Iiemma (sp?) has just overturned a law that the family of a murder victim must pay for the clean up of a crime scene!!
The fact that this was a law just mystifies me. Long have I known that the law protects the criminal and punishes the victim.
My parents had a Holiday home down in Merimbula. Lovely place overlooking the beach, floor to ceiling windows huge deck over the beachside of the house. It was broken into through the roof and then because my parents had very good door locks and so on the thief had to break a window to get his stash out of the house. As he was getting through the window he slipped and cut a major arterial vein in his arm and broke a leg.
He sued my parents for damages and won the bloody case!!!!! Got medicals and 20 grand out of it. Now where the hell is the justice in that??
Ok time to get down off my soapbox.
18th October 2006, 08:27 PM
I think you may be under the misguided impression (as many are) that the law and justice are somehow related.:(
The law seems to be is for the legal profession. It seems not to apply to the common man. Justice is a nice concept that is apparently rarely seen and almost never when combined with 'law'
Sorry for the bitterness but life teaches many lessons - not all of them good.
19th October 2006, 08:00 AM
I think you may be under the misguided impression (as many are) that the law and justice are somehow related.:(
The law seems to be is for the legal profession. It seems not to apply to the common man. Justice is a nice concept that is apparently rarely seen and almost never when combined with 'law'
Sorry for the bitterness but life teaches many lessons - not all of them good.
Yup, Glenns spot on, look at it this way, men/women, law/justice never shall the two meet.
Justice is what victims etc seek, the law is what perps use.
19th October 2006, 08:02 AM
The problem with the whole justice system is that it's run by lawyers and former lawyers. :mad:
Honorary Bloke
19th October 2006, 08:21 AM
Well, if it is any consolation (and it isn't) things are much the same over here. Just today here in town they arraigned a 23 year old fellow who rode his motorcycle drunk and killed a 17 year old girl. Turns out he has been arrested 19 times for DUI (driving under the influence) in the past 6 years! :eek: And yet, here he was still outside drinking and now murdering. It isn't only the lawyers but (Happy Birthday Gumby) the lawyers turned judges that set the whole process on its head.
19th October 2006, 09:18 AM
The problem with the whole justice system is that it's run by lawyers and former lawyers. :mad:
Theres another problem, we call it the justice system.
It's like calling homicide bombers suicide bombers, shop stealing shop lifting, we keep on wrapping things up in "nicer" names.
A monkey in a suit is still a monkey (I'm not implying that lawyers etc are monkeys), the legal system is just that, there is no justice.
And Bob, there is another case of the victims being cheated, how many times does the system need to see this fella before hes put in for "rehabilitation"?
19th October 2006, 09:32 AM
the merimbula dude shoulda been left to bleed out.
19th October 2006, 06:37 PM
A couple of years ago the Judges decided that they should only pay, I think 5% tax, on their super, there was some protest so the matter went to court.................
19th October 2006, 06:49 PM
whenever a barrister raises a quesiotn or comment whatg he's really saying is "And another $50 your honour..."
19th October 2006, 08:37 PM
Used to have a scales of fee's, something like:
Umm $50
Aaah $100
Now, how about $250
Objection $1000
My learned friend $1500
19th October 2006, 08:39 PM
what's a "no bill" worth
19th October 2006, 08:41 PM
No idea, I'm not a 'Slister' (as seen on a school essay).