View Full Version : Villain For A Week

17th October 2006, 08:34 PM
With the advent of weekly prize draws and a bit of boredom being expressed by some members due to not much arguments these days. :p

I suggest a Villain For The Week. :eek:

The members vote someone to be the villain for the week and they take that important role on. :rolleyes:

17th October 2006, 11:38 PM
Villain for a week , punishment , Neil makes all the real villain's moderators, when was the last good post you saw from Zed or Al , nowdays there all wishy washy . Imagine if Benny , cliff , Bitting, Silent, Apricott, Happy or yourself were moderators and too scared to post anything contro, With the Mods we have the Trolls don't stand a chance 5 mins and there gone , to see golf club job interviews you have to stay up till all hours and then it dosen't last.
No the good old days are gone , I think we have seen our last verbal at the u-beaut corral, all that is left is wood work and the occasional Happy Birthday , and the latter is only allowed until Gumby is made a moderator.

18th October 2006, 08:23 AM
What a load of crud, pull yer heads in you two. If I was a Mod I'd jump on anyone picking on Collingwood or mentioning Soccer, Halfwits, Carn have a go yer Mugs.........:p :p :p :p :p

18th October 2006, 09:40 AM
your full of she-it ashore... :)

18th October 2006, 10:18 AM
Hey Zed, the footy season's in full swing - we just played the 8th round. You aren't grumpy that Adelaide United beat Melbourne Loosery (er Victory) are you? :D


18th October 2006, 10:21 AM
Hey Zed, the footy season's in full swing - we just played the 8th round. You aren't grumpy that Adelaide United beat Melbourne Loosery (er Victory) are you? :D


What's that your raving on about Daddles?????


Bugger does that to me every time:p :p :p :p :p :p

18th October 2006, 01:27 PM
What a load of crud, pull yer heads in you two. If I was a Mod I'd jump on anyone picking on Collingwood or mentioning Soccer, Halfwits, Carn have a go yer Mugs.........:p :p :p :p :p

Sounds like Benny has volunteered for the job. :D :D :D :D

18th October 2006, 02:01 PM
Is it too soon to take it on again? I did it a couple of weeks ago?:D :D :D

Cliff Rogers
18th October 2006, 02:37 PM
So how did your job interview go the other day?

I posted a joke for you in Open Slather about a job interview & it was judged LBW & sent to the showers... :o

18th October 2006, 02:41 PM
So how did your job interview go the other day?

I posted a joke for you in Open Slather about a job interview & it was judged LBW & sent to the showers... :o

Missed out, so don't have to drop to trainee teacher wages. It was for tradies with no teaching experience and I only need 2 subjects for secondary regstration. Will get around it by doing the subjects and then I can apply to any high school. Guess they wanted a cheap teacher for the 2 years.

Funny about your post? How did it manage to go missing???:D :D :D

18th October 2006, 05:37 PM
I'll go first.

Seeing that Lignum already thinks I'm a grumpy dikhead and Jackoh hates me for being a picky bastard the rest of you might as well join in the fun of villifying me as the Villain For The Week.


18th October 2006, 06:26 PM
when was the last good post you saw from Zed or Al , nowdays there all wishy washy .

I must agree.
Since being made mod I have become all wishy washy, I often long for the old days of stirring shyte.

Never mind, we all move on.

Al the wishy washy :o

18th October 2006, 06:56 PM
I must agree.
Since being made mod I have become all wishy washy, I often long for the old days of stirring shyte.

Never mind, we all move on.

Al the wishy washy :o

But Zed 'n Al were never villains,
sure they mighta bin obnoxious sumtimes but ..... :p

Cliff Rogers
18th October 2006, 07:48 PM
I'll go first.....

Blow that.... you are too bloody long winded to pick a fight with. :p

Auld Bassoon
18th October 2006, 08:07 PM
Blow that.... you are too bloody long winded to pick a fight with. :p

OK I'll volunteer. I'll try and be as verbose as possible :D :D

Cliff Rogers
18th October 2006, 08:08 PM
...Funny about your post? How did it manage to go missing???:D :D :D
....judged LBW & sent to the showers.

Did you see it?
Bet you didn't notice the scar on the right knee. ;)

18th October 2006, 08:10 PM
Nah missed it, went through to the keeper:D :D :D

18th October 2006, 08:11 PM
....judged LBW & sent to the showers.

Did you see it?
Bet you didn't notice the scar on the right knee. ;)

Good thing is I can review it over and over, And I still think I need to review it some more, in the name of research of course. :eek:

Al :p

Cliff Rogers
18th October 2006, 08:16 PM
If you still have the link in your history, click on it & then in the address bar highlight the 'vz01.swf' delete it & then hit enter.
The folder doesn't have an index file so you are given a directory list of files, there are heaps more like it. ;)
The owner doesn't have any sort security on his directories. :cool:

18th October 2006, 08:37 PM
Your right Clifton, didn't notice the scar on the right knee:D :D :D

You did manage to avoid the keeper after all:p :p :p :D