View Full Version : Working too hard

17th October 2006, 06:39 PM
I've been working too hard the past few months and it's starting to catch up on me. My elbows and other bits ache each night.

So I thought I'd slow down for a while

Then the Honda pump engine down the creek wouldn't start.
Apparently the low oil level switch is pecular on these so did a full oil change and off it goes again.

The bore has gone dry or it's pump needs overhauling.
Bugga, need a crane to lift out 100 feet of casing and I'll hafta take the roof off the shed. Just to make that more interesting some bright spark pop rivetted the roof on with real big rivets.

And the rideon mower is only cutting with the centre blades.
I's a prawn of a job to fix properly and likely needs some welding too.

So much for some quiet time.

17th October 2006, 07:15 PM
Ya poor ol bugger.
Ive had the opposite, Ive sat at home for lack of bricklaying for the last month or so, well not really as the shop has had a good cleaning session.

Al :)

17th October 2006, 07:27 PM
I can't stand being idle Al.

Maybe I should make a walking stick, but it sounds like you need to make a footstool :rolleyes:

17th October 2006, 08:20 PM
I can't stand being idle Al.

Me either, but theres not much I can do about it, the goverment wanted to slow down the building game, and they did. :mad:

Thank god there an election coming up.

Al :)

17th October 2006, 08:23 PM
But you gotta retail outlet Al so start making and selling bookcases etc.
Or run traing courses (or videos) on making a brick barbecue etc

17th October 2006, 09:02 PM
But you gotta retail outlet Al so start making and selling bookcases etc.

No one wants to pay a decent price for anything, what with all this parc coming in from China.

Al :)

journeyman Mick
17th October 2006, 11:56 PM
heaps of work around here, even more in Innisfail (bore the brunt of the cyclone) just give me a yell if you want to lay 20kg besser blocks instead of those wussy little clay bricks.:D


18th October 2006, 12:21 AM
heaps of work around here, even more in Innisfail (bore the brunt of the cyclone) just give me a yell if you want to lay 20kg besser blocks instead of those wussy little clay bricks.:D


And when you've finished with those wussy Besser blocks you can come give me a hand with the our 1/4 tonne blocks...at least I'd have one person working for me that new how to look after me mixer.:(

Skew ChiDAMN!!
18th October 2006, 12:31 AM
Ive had the opposite, Ive sat at home for lack of bricklaying for the last month or so, well not really as the shop has had a good cleaning session.

No joy from the bloke who made ya miss the BBQ?

Things are grim on the workfront here too, for the same damned reason. Makes it hard to buy bits'n'pieces for the shed when the treasury's on life-support. :(

(Someone ought to line the #@$%in' pollies up against the wall! :mad: )

18th October 2006, 07:44 AM
No joy from the bloke who made ya miss the BBQ?

He was just an auctioneer, and he is arrangeing for a clearing sale for us in early Feb.

Al :)

18th October 2006, 03:53 PM
So take a workin' holiday North or West.
only trouble is they're both too hot

Cliff Rogers
18th October 2006, 08:05 PM
He's not dead yet.

Where have you been Squizzy?

18th October 2006, 08:15 PM
He's not dead yet.

Where have you been Squizzy?

Yeah what he said....:eek:

I cant beleive I replied and missed the Squize..:(
Good to see you is alive....:p
Al :)

20th October 2006, 11:51 PM
He's not dead yet.

Where have you been Squizzy?

I'ze bin in jail actually:rolleyes: ...well self inflicted work related pergatory more like it. Busy busy, bought another excavator and another truck..work work work...I owe I owe

I cant beleive I replied and missed the Squize..:(
Good to see you is alive....:p

See Al...thats on account of not working...the mind starts to fade..next minute you'll be running tupperware parties and attending scrapbooking classes;)

20th October 2006, 11:53 PM
I just noticed..I've got one black dot..what happened to me big green caterpillar??...is there something I should read or maybe just leave it be?...can we still pick on the monkey???

21st October 2006, 06:20 AM
Welcome back Squiz, Red Zed is a mod, so is Al. :rolleyes:

Cliff Rogers
21st October 2006, 10:19 AM
I just noticed..I've got one black dot..what happened to me big green caterpillar??...is there something I should read or maybe just leave it be?...can we still pick on the monkey???
There is a setting in you user panel that turns it on & off.
They aren't worth much these days.
By all means, get stuck into the monkey, you can even call him an ######## at present 'cos the swear detector doesn't know what that is. :p
Nope, that has been fixed.... never mind.