View Full Version : Ceiling Fans - Do They All Have.......?

Metal Head
16th October 2006, 05:39 PM

We bought and put up 2 ceiling fans several months ago but I have since mislaid the manual:(. Thus, can you tell me if all ceiling fans can be adjusted for the winter and summer season(s)?. I tried them both on over the weekend but they didn't give much of a cooling effect when positioned directly underneath them:(, so I thought this might be they need adjusting:confused:.

Thanking those in advance of their replies.


16th October 2006, 05:44 PM
Mine have a switch on the motor housing. It's either labelled summer or winter, or forward or reverse. The fan needs to spin anti-clockwise when you stand underneath it.


16th October 2006, 05:56 PM
They may not have been effective because
too close to the ceeling (no real air flow, best results are about 90cm from the ceeling If you have the height of course)
wrong direction ( slide switch on the motor housing , even some remote controlle ones have this.)
wrong speed (too fast can be as bad as too slow, these are slow speed fans designed to move the air around not like a pedistal fan to blow air at you )
Get a thermometer place it on a table check the temp run the fan and check again in 1/2 hour.:rolleyes:


17th October 2006, 12:34 AM
Agree with last 2 posts. We have 2 CF's, one each end of a 10 metre x 3.5 metre room with a cathedral ceiling 6 metres high at highest point. Ideally the fans should be switched so that they draw cooler air upwards in the hot weather and blow warmer air downwards in the winter. But we have ours switched so they are always moving air downwards. They certainly keep the warm air from the ceiling area moving downwards, and in summer we find the cooling effect of moving air to be more beneficial than the fans lifting the only slightly cooler air from floor level upwards.

I suspect that what they do best is keeping the air moving gently and stop the layering effect. As a side note, fan diameters need to be matched to the size of the room. It may be that your fans are a bit too small for the room area. Otherwise, I'd just follow what the other guys said.

Cliff Rogers
17th October 2006, 01:00 AM
On the proven theory that hot air rises, I always run them the opposite way to what the switch says.
Think about it.... if they are hanging from the roof blowing, they will be blowing the warm air down. ;)

Metal Head
17th October 2006, 05:27 PM
Thanks gentlemen for your time. I had a closer look at ours but they unfortunately don't have a switch to change direction:mad:. So I suppose unless you had them connected to three phase you cannot do too much:(.

Cheers once again.


pedro the swift
8th February 2007, 02:49 PM
Reversing ceiling fans?? Nothing easier at my place. I just plug it into the other side of the room!
Seriously though, folks. It is possible to reverse single phase motors. Just need to know what you are about.
You can sometimes dismantle the motor and install the winding the other way around or if you can get at the winding ends you can install a reversing switch. But only if you know what you are doing!