View Full Version : Concrete Polishing :any DIY tips n' tricks ?

14th October 2006, 08:17 PM
Hello all,

My partner and I want to polish the concrete in our kitchen/dining/living room it's 3.3 x 4.7 m [yep small].

I'm in melbourne and its a 1960s apartment.

So I've found a few places that hire out grinders [kennards, eq hire, hire-it etc], that all seems fine. So I'm hoping all ye out there on the internet can provide me with info that I need to know before we get stuck in - traps for young players and such.

I'm also seeking advice on appropriate sealers and toppings for a waterproof and slip free surface.

Thanks all

14th October 2006, 08:21 PM
move out and get pay someone else to do it - dust everywhere. what a crap job. never again. < ugh!! ><UGH!>

14th October 2006, 08:25 PM
Hey Zed,

Thanks for the instant reply - the polisher I'm looking at hiring has a dust vacuum attached, are they no good ?

Any suggestions for a sealant/topcoat ?

14th October 2006, 08:59 PM
yeah thats ok but no dusty catches everything... anyway do what you will. I suggest someone else does it for you and you vac your house when they are done.

journeyman Mick
14th October 2006, 11:34 PM
.......... I'm in melbourne and its a 1960s apartment.......................

You may want to check with your body corporate, re allowable noise and dust and curfews.


15th October 2006, 07:39 PM
Sussed that out already Mick - I've just gotta limit the work times to 10am and 7pm - pretty flexible body corp here.

Old Codger
17th October 2006, 07:36 AM
old concrete dosnt nessasarily polish well. The aggregate may be badly dispersed or the floor may be rendered or patched.

17th October 2006, 10:31 PM

Check out the acid staining. The product is available in Aus as a DIY kit

