View Full Version : Painting Newly Rendered Wall

13th October 2006, 07:47 PM

Bit of a novice DIY'er, 3 weeks ago we had an internal wall rendered.

Just wondering how long before I can paint it and can anyone recommend what the best sealer/undercoat would be to use?

I have been told that I should wait 2 months before sealing and painting otherwise the paint will just lift.... Unfortunately the wife doesn't want to wait that long! :)


13th October 2006, 07:53 PM
Personally I would have put an oxide in the render and had it done all in one go but to paint a rendered wall I would suggest go talk to your local paint outlet and they should point you in the right direction..


13th October 2006, 08:10 PM
Should be OK with an acrylic paint that can breathe a bit. Maybe tape some plastic over and see if it sweats.


14th October 2006, 12:33 AM

Bit of a novice DIY'er, 3 weeks ago we had an internal wall rendered.

Just wondering how long before I can paint it and can anyone recommend what the best sealer/undercoat would be to use?

I have been told that I should wait 2 months before sealing and painting otherwise the paint will just lift.... Unfortunately the wife doesn't want to wait that long! :)


G'Day sidaknee,
I recently had an extension done on the back of the house and I painted it about 4 weeks after it went up. I did not plan the time, it was just the next job inline as a progressive work, you know get to lock-up get the tiler etc, etc, before you know 4 weeks had past and it was painting time!..

I found I had to do 2 coats of sealer/undercoat and 2 colour, and I used Solarguard, inside and out. I will say, that the colour of the sand was dark and as we chose a light colour for the inside that was why I chose to do the 2 x 2 coats. Outside was a dark chocolate brown and I did 1 x 2 coats, so far it is holding up very well. The only thing is you have to be careful until the paint hardens which is normal anyway and now it is a very durable finish.