View Full Version : Method of constructing pailing fence.

11th October 2006, 11:38 PM
My neighbour and I want to build a boundry fence about 6' high and I'm interested in the type of construction which has a capping rail along the top of the pailings, support at the bottom and no rails in middle. The question is what is the method of construction? What sort of brackets hold everything together and do the pailings get any fasterners at the top & bottom?

12th October 2006, 01:33 PM
I'm no expert, but I'd reckon that timber paling or steel - you'll still need a supporting rail across the centre for a fence that high. They'll be a lot of flexion in the panel material otherwise.
Maybe someone else can be of more help.

12th October 2006, 01:48 PM
I'm no expert, but I'd reckon that timber paling or steel - you'll still need a supporting rail across the centre for a fence that high. They'll be a lot of flexion in the panel material otherwise.
Maybe someone else can be of more help.

Yeah, you would think so, but I think I've seen fences around like this - pitty there isn't one near me that I can take a close look at. I want to use 1500mm pailings with plinth boards at the bottom to get a total height around 1700mm.

12th October 2006, 02:10 PM
A 6' fence with a rail only top and bottom will end up looking like Chad morgan's teeth in no time. You have to have 3 rails for a timber paling fence. To answer the questino about method of construction, it's named 'bodgy'


12th October 2006, 08:22 PM
Your palings will wander and twist without a midrail.
