View Full Version : Flywire Door closer

10th October 2006, 07:02 PM
HAd a bloke to come and fix one of our new sliding doors today. On the way out he commented on my screen door closer - sliding type door. Said in all his 30 yerars he had never seen one like it, and said the commercial ones were not good - cost wise or efficientcy wise.

Got me to wondering, what do other people do for closing the screen doors. Around here my closer has brought peace to the house - I no longer have to sceam at 4 kids to shut the b... door! And aroun dhere we have blowies the size of sparrows and mossies the size of blowies so we need the screen doors shut.

My system has a length of fishing line attached to the latched end of the door, at the top. This goes over a very small pully at the edge of the door frame and is weighted down with a lump of appropriately weighted lead. When the door is openend, it pulls the lead up and when the door closes the weight gently slides the door shut. Simple as, cheap and always works. A couple of the doors have soft drink bottles with water in them as the weight (becasue I never got around to cutting the lead to replace them).

Waht do you other people do - apart from leave the doors open, scream at people to shut them, ignore the flies and blowies, etc?

10th October 2006, 09:47 PM
I've done essentially the same, except the lead weight runs inside some 25mm conduit, fitted to the door with conduit clips. It's painted to match and virtually disappears.

The line fits to the wall, and the weight moves with the door in the conduit, on the far side stile.

I did use fishing line initially, but switched to builders line. I found the fishing line would curl up with the tight radius of the pulley.

Biggest hassle was getting a good set of wheels under the door.

10th October 2006, 10:38 PM
When I was selling screen doors and security screen doors we used to sell a commercial one that was similar to that but the weight was in a sealed tube filled with water so the weight was slowed down so as not to slam the door. They really worked a treat.

11th October 2006, 06:59 AM
Yes, the Inventco Door Closer.

First seen it in Perth, then thought I'd try something similar.

then click on Water Door Closer