View Full Version : I am in trouble again

Phil Spencer
10th October 2006, 09:16 AM
Last night my daughter had a girlfriend around for dinner, the girls started talking about breast enlargements and they could not understand any woman having such an operation, thinking that I could make a contribution here I stated that anything more than a mouthful was wasted. I got into about 41 different kinds of trouble and banished to the workshop.

What did I do wrong? All I was trying to do was to show that I was in touch with me feminine side. Never understand the female mind.:confused:

10th October 2006, 09:22 AM

Ah Phil, It's the same as that question, "do I look fat..... etc etc"

Sorry, but it's another discussion that will never be won, unless perhaps, "I like ... as they are... I accept (nearly) whatever they wish to do to themselves" then RUN to your workshop :D :D


10th October 2006, 09:22 AM
Banishment to the workshop was the punishment? Sounds like you did good, and they approved!

So where do you get sent when you do bad?

Phil Spencer
10th October 2006, 09:26 AM

Ah Phil, It's the same as that question, "do I look fat..... etc etc"

Sorry, but it's another discussion that will never be won, unless perhaps, "I like ... as they are... I accept (nearly) whatever they wish to do to themselves" then RUN to your workshop :D :D


No matter how hard I try after 32 years of marriage I still don't get the female mind works, its hard to be a sensitive bloke :confused:

10th October 2006, 09:27 AM
im honestly trying to work out what youd did wrong, if they mention boobies then theys on discussion table, so to speak. Oh... I also agree with Stuarts comment :p

Phil Spencer
10th October 2006, 09:27 AM
Banishment to the workshop was the punishment? Sounds like you did good, and they approved!

So where do you get sent when you do bad?

Yeh, cut some mortices, when I am realy bad you don't want to know:eek:

10th October 2006, 05:40 PM
Did the blood wash out of your shirt allright,and did it mop up off the floor ok?:D

10th October 2006, 05:49 PM
thinking that I could make a contribution here I stated that anything more than a mouthful was wasted. I got into about 41 different kinds of trouble

Women are funny creatures.

And I don't mean funny as in "Ha Ha" funny.

Auld Bassoon
10th October 2006, 06:03 PM
Hoots @ Phil!

Dangerous territory mate, very very dangerous. It doesn't matter whatever you say, you WILL be in the poo :eek:

At least you got to go to the shed :D

10th October 2006, 06:09 PM
By daring to have an opinion, you show that you think about women's business and as such are included in "all womens trouble is caused by your kind of males".

Next time try saying:
"I think it is terrible that some women have such poor self-esteem, that they think that they have to larger breasts to look more attractive than other women. I wish more women realised that what is really attractive is being independant, strong minded and intelligent (as you say this last part, gaze adoringly at your missus)."


10th October 2006, 06:14 PM
My "rule" with women is that it isn't what you say, but how you say it that counts - it doesn't matter that your contribution was on "their side", if the women felt that it was said like a bloke, then it doesn't matter - you were wrong.

So you just need to practice your delivery, Phil.

Try saying the following (without a grin on your face):

"You are so right, Charlene. It's just typical -those girls just do it to please men. Men are soooo obsessed with size ...and just imagine how uncomfortable they would be!!! Men shoud be grateful when they are allowed to touch anyone's breasts even your little ones."

To do this properly, put on your best Sybil Fawlty voice and repeat after me "Ooooh I know, I know.....Did he really? ...Well they are all same...Ooooh yes"

Phil Spencer
10th October 2006, 06:24 PM
Thanks for all the advice guys, I will let you all know how it goes. If you don't see a post from me send flowers..


10th October 2006, 06:48 PM

Ah Phil, It's the same as that question, "do I look fat..... etc etc"

...and I thought the correct answer to the question "Does this make my bum look big?" was "No, it really is big.":confused:

Auld Bassoon
10th October 2006, 06:56 PM
Jeepers guys, you have it ALL wrong!

Just bet them a gold coin that you can make them wiggle without touching them.

OK, so you lied :D :D :D

10th October 2006, 07:12 PM
Stand up and be proud that you are a man !!!:D:cool:

When they say women are from Venus, they are so true. Never will the two minds understand the other side of the story.

Some say that women are proof theres life in outer space, me I think we are just wired different and all we can do is hope that people like rufflyrustic can help us cross that divide.

Yeah ok who am I bullsh^#@$#! to ?

Dude, you were in the caca as soon as you uttered the firstword. After 21 years of wonderful wedded bliss cough cough the old I like it the way it is tends to be the safest.

Remember its not that you are gonna be in the caca it's how deep ?

Oh well it gives you a chance to DIY and play with some wood;):eek::D

Toolin Around
10th October 2006, 07:28 PM
What you did wrong is an easy one to answer. You opened your mouth. Men will never have the answer women want to hear... Unless you're a pathological liar.

10th October 2006, 08:23 PM
Still ROTFLOL and now PMP!!!!!! :D

Clinton's got the best answer I've heard, ever!!!! :)


10th October 2006, 09:01 PM
Gay is looking like a viable option:o :o :o
How do they find a hairy spotty asre attractive:confused:

10th October 2006, 09:04 PM
My girlfriend who is a bit chubby asked me if I minded (that she was a bit chubby) I answered no I think your ok, well it must have been the wrong answer because that was in February and I haven't laid eyes on her since.

10th October 2006, 09:08 PM
So more than a mouthfull is a handfull?

Captain Chaos
10th October 2006, 09:46 PM
and now PMP!!!!!! :D
WENDY,:eek: I didn't really need to know that!:o Just don't roll in it.:confused::D

11th October 2006, 01:01 AM
You shoulda played Schultz... :rolleyes:

Other than that, I have no comments about the size of those things, since I do, in fact live in Japan and all things are smaller here...

(Another generalization that is total utter BS. I have proof and that's all I am saying in case she hits me. :eek: )

11th October 2006, 11:39 AM
Next time try saying:
"I think it is terrible that some women have such poor self-esteem, that they think that they have to larger breasts to look more attractive than other women. I wish more women realised that what is really attractive is being independant, strong minded and intelligent (as you say this last part, gaze adoringly at your missus)."

Looks good in print but reality this is when you will then get the no win question
" So you don't thing i'm as attractive as other women" , and though this isn't what you said its what she heard.
As my old Dad always said the longer you know one the less you will ever understand how she thinks :rolleyes:
Now a good TS or band saw its logic you can understand , if you don't respect or follow the instructions then it will bite you but with a women the instructions change from moment to moment and you don't get any new updates or downloads you are expected to know what they want, and when you don't get it right ..... which is most times, well only the depth varies.

As to the discussion with three females about breast enlargement the shed is the safest place, and only place to make any comments.;)


11th October 2006, 08:19 PM
Women may have many faults,
Men have only two,
Evrything they say, and eveything they do.:D