View Full Version : Pine blanket box with oil stain to lid HELP !!!!!

5th October 2006, 02:41 AM
Hi There,
I have recently had an old victorian pine blanket box chemically stripped by a proper company. The box came back loveley the only problem is the box appears to have a stain to the top which appears to be old oil (where box was a tool box in an shed)
is there any way i can remove it as the pine at present has a darker patch where the oil was. Any help will be greatful received also any tips on best results for finishing the box.

Thanks Pete

5th October 2006, 10:05 AM
Hi Pete,

Any chance of a picture of the stain and the box?

Does the stain appear on the top underside?

Without seeing it, I can only offer basic suggestions. Oil tends to sink into the timber and if the box has been professionally stripped, then I'd guess the patch is in pretty deep and there to stay. :(

You can consider :
replacing that piece of timber
staining the box to match as closely as possible the stain colour
or accept the stain as proof of its antique status.

Others may have better suggestions

Cheers & did I say how much I'd love to see a few pictures if possible (I have a thing for old boxes/chests):)