Andy Mac
30th September 2006, 06:45 PM
Well maybe not a joke, but made me laugh! I was in the shed running some timber through the thicknesser, when my 8yr old daughter (complete with earmuffs and safety glasses) asked why its called a thicknesser if it doesn't make the wood thicker!:D She had some picture in her head that had strips of timber glueing themselves onto the stock as it went through...
30th September 2006, 06:48 PM
I must be 8 years old too then.
I have always thought that they should be called a Thinneser.
Al :p :cool:
30th September 2006, 07:37 PM
I must be 8 years old too then.
I have always thought that they should be called a Thinneser.
Al :p :cool:
Wow, a target has been presented, painted on the backward facing orifice of a self proclaimed, foil wearing, goat fraternising, pebble chucker. Nah, I can't the shot, I'd be dobbed into the RSPCA for cruelty to dumb animals. :D