View Full Version : Architrave Rebate

21st September 2006, 01:11 PM
I would like to know what gap would be suitable rebate on the back of architraves. I have a half inch router so to save money and bother of waiting another week for milling, I'll mill it myself.
I thought of 2mm depth and 20mm wide for 75 mm timber is this wide enough or should it be more like 30mm?

21st September 2006, 01:48 PM
What you want is to create two 'pads', one of which rests on the wall and the other on the window/door frame. You want the pad to be wide enough so that it is bearing as much as possible on the frame but without contacting the join between the wall cladding and the frame. Say 15-20mm. So I would cut a rebate say 35mm wide and a couple of mm deep.

24th September 2006, 11:29 AM

just a few quick questions - why are you wanting to rebate the back of moulding? what is the face profile like? Are the boards even profiled?

A bit more info please mate

25th September 2006, 09:39 AM
He's making architrave.

25th September 2006, 10:23 AM
Silent , cool sure, but recently I've started to see a trend where DAR timber is used for skirtings, architrave, trim. There has just been about a 10 degree cut into the edge facing the reveal. If David was going to use this kind of architrave, then there would be no need for any rebates/machining of the back.

On the other hand, if here was using a fancy profile on the face, then the more machined the face would require more machining to the back to equalise surface area of the two faces.

Hence the request for a little bit more info.