View Full Version : Broadband speeds

20th September 2006, 04:59 PM
I visited another forum(WoW game site)and got on a thread linking to a BB speed tester though mine seemed a little slow DL@430kbps UL@107kbps... all the people in america who tested absolutely woop my butt the slowest was DL@4140kbps UL@472kbps thats right they're slowest upload is faster than my download speed!:eek:
Hows this the fastest... DL@28720kbps UL@9793kbps!(I think he must work for the ISP :confused: )
The worst bit... my connection cost more per month than any of them:mad:

20th September 2006, 05:02 PM
We don't have true high speed broadband in Australia.

One day Tel$tra will be told to extract the digit and fix the damn thing properly.

20th September 2006, 05:27 PM
We don't have true high speed broadband in Australia.

One day Tel$tra will be told to extract the digit and fix the damn thing properly.

Especially if you're on Telstra ADSL. Limited to 1500kbps

[ I'm on Bigpond cable and get a download speed of 1,063 Kilobytes/s (8.7 Mbps) but still a poor upload speed of 14.5 Kilobytes/s (118 kbps). Lots of room for improvement there]

20th September 2006, 05:40 PM
Don't know what you're all complaining about. I get an average of 3kbps.


20th September 2006, 09:41 PM
slow up load is so you can not use VOIP.

20th September 2006, 09:43 PM
That's one thing but I should be able to download much quicker. At my age, time is everything. :o

Auld Bassoon
20th September 2006, 09:51 PM
We don't have true high speed broadband in Australia.

One day Tel$tra will be told to extract the digit and fix the damn thing properly.

Quite right.

The sad thing is that Telstra could enable decent high-speed BB (c 24Mbps in metro areas, and >12Mbps in metro/suburban areas. The 'Bush" might be a bit different though) in a very short time (most of the required kit is already in place) but won't do so because they'd be obliged to make it available in the wholesale market - which they very much don't want to do...

Of course, this is a HUGE oversimplification of the issues at hand, but nevertheless, everyone suffers from the desperately poor speeds available in the until the issues are resolved.

20th September 2006, 10:27 PM
Actually fast broadband speeds are available in quite a lot of locations around Australia. You just need to look into alternative ISP's. For instance I use Internode <http://on.net>. There are quite a few others that provide adsl 2+.

You need to be very close to the exchange to get > 20mbit speeds. I am around 4km and am on around 6mbit

Here is a quick ftp session:
shaun@gateway:shaun$ ncftp test
NcFTP 3.1.9 (Mar 24, 2005) by Mike Gleason (http://www.NcFTP.com/contact/) (http://www.NcFTP.com/contact/%29).
Connecting to mirror.internode.on.net... FTP server ready
Logging in...
Anonymous access granted, restrictions apply.
Logged in to mirror.internode.on.net.
Current remote directory is /pub/test.
ncftp /pub/test > get 10meg.test
10meg.test: 10.00 MB 470.08 kB/s

This computer is on a 802.11b wireless link to my router, which is my main bottle neck here which is probably why the above is only around 4.5mbit. I can get up to 700kB/s (yes Kilo Bytes) on a good day with a decent sync. I can download a typical CD in around 15 minutes on average and know some people who can get them in 5.

I have no hesitation in highly recommending Internode and have done so on this forum before.

20th September 2006, 10:31 PM
We don't have true high speed broadband in Australia.

One day Tel$tra will be told to extract the digit and fix the damn thing properly.

Here Hear! Well said Brother Gumby.

20th September 2006, 10:33 PM
Run a speed test here http://www.ozspeedtest.com/tools_speed.shtml

These are my results

Test run on 20/09/2006 @ 9:24 PM
Mirror: Netbay Internet
Test type: Cable
Your connection speed:
kbps: 16739.83
KB/s: 2092.48
Mbps: 16.74

20th September 2006, 10:40 PM
Mirror: Internode
Test type: ADSL

Your connection speed:

<acronym title="Kilobits per second">kbps</acronym>: 1186.5
<acronym title="Kilobytes per second">KB/s</acronym>: 148.31
<acronym title="Megabits per second">Mbps</acronym>: 1.19

(four pcs in use during test. Previous tests with same plan on the big 'T' were half this speed)

Cliff Rogers
20th September 2006, 10:41 PM
slow up load is so you can not use VOIP.

Can't see why not..... :confused:

Skype works over ISDN at 128K with the internet going.
ISDN can actually support 2 x 64K channels with a voice telephone call on each one at once.

Cliff Rogers
20th September 2006, 10:44 PM
Westnet ADSL in Cairns.

Test run on 20/09/2006 @ 9:38 PM
Mirror: Optus
Test type: ADSL
Your connection speed:
kbps: 414.12
KB/s: 51.77
Mbps: 0.41

20th September 2006, 10:57 PM
<tt>Test run on 20/09/2006 @ 9:45 PM

Mirror: Internode
Test type: ADSL

Your connection speed:

kbps: 2759.19
KB/s: 344.9
Mbps: 2.76

Excuses: slow and long wireless first hop, 2 kids and wife using Internet atm (and she usually saturates the link :) )


20th September 2006, 11:48 PM
Bigpond cable in Carine, Perth

<acronym title="Kilobits per second">kbps</acronym>: 4046.98
<acronym title="Kilobytes per second">KB/s</acronym>: 505.87
<acronym title="Megabits per second">Mbps</acronym>: 4.05

Reasonable but not the advertised 8Mbs.


20th September 2006, 11:52 PM
Funny isnt it I use a Telstra mirror and its always slower(done it about 10 times at least!)

Test run on 20/09/2006 @ 10:47 PM

Mirror: Bigpond
Test type: ADSL

Your connection speed:

kbps: 368.98
KB/s: 46.12
Mbps: 0.37
Test run on 20/09/2006 @ 10:50 PM

Mirror: OzEmail
Test type: ADSL

Your connection speed:

kbps: 400.67
KB/s: 50.08
Mbps: 0.4
Test run on 20/09/2006 @ 10:50 PM

Mirror: Bigpond
Test type: ADSL

Your connection speed:

kbps: 376.26
KB/s: 47.03
Mbps: 0.38
Test run on 20/09/2006 @ 10:51 PM

Mirror: Dodo
Test type: ADSL

Your connection speed:

kbps: 424.19
KB/s: 53.02
Mbps: 0.42
Test run on 20/09/2006 @ 10:54 PM

Mirror: Bigpond
Test type: ADSL

Your connection speed:

kbps: 376.96
KB/s: 47.12
Mbps: 0.38
Test run on 20/09/2006 @ 10:56 PM

Mirror: Netspace
Test type: ADSL

Your connection speed:

kbps: 418.24
KB/s: 52.28
Mbps: 0.42

21st September 2006, 01:04 AM
Later at night even faster speed.
Test run on 20/09/2006 @ 11:52 PM
Mirror: Netbay Internet
Test type: Cable
Your connection speed:
kbps: 18376.61
KB/s: 2297.08
Mbps: 18.38

I could be wrong, but personally I reckon internet speed all boils down to how much you are prepared to pay for your connection and ya gets what ya pays for.

21st September 2006, 01:18 AM
Just did a hookup to the factory computer which is on ADSL 1500 and this is the result:

Test run on 21/09/2006 @ 12:17 AM
Mirror: Netbay Internet
Test type: ADSL
Your connection speed:
kbps: 10481.43
KB/s: 1310.18
Mbps: 10.48

Skew ChiDAMN!!
21st September 2006, 02:22 AM
I could be wrong, but personally I reckon internet speed all boils down to how much you are prepared to pay for your connection and ya gets what ya pays for.

Yup. It always amazes me that people who won't touch a GMC powertool expect high-end performance from what're basically GMC-level ISP accounts. :D

Test run on 21/09/2006 @ 1:14 AM
Mirror: Optus
Test type: Cable
Your connection speed:
kbps: 4793.34
KB/s: 599.17
Mbps: 4.79

21st September 2006, 05:30 AM
Harry, you are getting dudded!

21st September 2006, 06:26 AM
They reckon thats a acceptable speed, Im looking an extra $30pm($99)for 1500, who says I'll actually get anywhere near that speed... others here with them only get 700kbps max on the 1500! cant get cable here.
Theres no choice of isp either... B'poo or nothing(unless you want dial up)

"I could be wrong, but personally I reckon internet speed all boils down to how much you are prepared to pay for your connection and ya gets what ya pays for."

You are wrong, cant pay for a service that dont exist!
The eastern states do get favoured better than the rest of the country.(were not viable...)
I pay for a 512kbps connection its never been anywhere near it.

21st September 2006, 06:51 AM
Gees your speeds blow me out of the water but it's still faster than Dialup


Your connection speed:
kbps: <b>194.04</b>
KB/s: <b>24.26</b>
Mbps: <b>0.19</b></tt>

21st September 2006, 09:38 AM
Theres no choice of isp either... B'poo or nothing(unless you want dial up)

It might pay to double check that, here is a link to Internode's coverage on Telstra dslam's. http://cgi.internode.on.net/cgi-bin/dsl-coverage-table?carrier=Telstra
It mentions Pt Pirie, but it will depend on where you are. Pt Augusta and Stirling Nth have adsl2+ available so I don't think it will be too long before you get some real products available. I also think there are wireless options either available now or soon.


21st September 2006, 09:41 AM
This is mine, about 3 kms from the local exchange, HEAPS faster than my dial up was though. Fair makes me drool to see what some of you get and you still aren't happy!

Test type: ADSL
[kbps: 215.12
KB/s: 26.89
Mbps: 0.22

21st September 2006, 11:22 AM
I am with iinet ADSL 2+, I throttled myself back to 11mbps as the 13mbps I was getting was too unstable. 1mbps upload speed, 40GB/m for $70. I am 2.5KM's from the exchange

I regularly see 850KB/s and sometimes over 1MB/s

When I can download 1GB in less than 20 mins, I am doing well enough I reckon. My daughter will probably laugh at that when she grows up. "How did you live in the olden days wtih less than gigabit to the home daddy?"


21st September 2006, 01:07 PM
Your Results
Test run on 21/09/2006 @ 12:00 PM

Mirror: Bigpond
Test type: ADSL

Your connection speed:

<acronym title="Kilobits per second">kbps</acronym>: 348.12
<acronym title="Kilobytes per second">KB/s</acronym>: 43.52
<acronym title="Megabits per second">Mbps</acronym>: 0.35


21st September 2006, 03:40 PM
That test is quite inaccurate. Is what it tests is how long it takes to download that jpg from a users website on your ISP. The downloads from these servers are often not very fast.

This is from another test

<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="1" width="580"><tbody><tr><td align="right" bgcolor="#ffffff" width="50">kbps</td><td align="right" bgcolor="#ffffff" valign="CENTER" width="71">http://i.dslr.net/1ptrans.gif
<small>256</small></td><td align="right" bgcolor="#ffffff" valign="CENTER" width="71">http://i.dslr.net/1ptrans.gif
<small>512</small></td><td align="right" bgcolor="#ffffff" valign="CENTER" width="71">http://i.dslr.net/1ptrans.gif
<small>768</small></td><td align="right" bgcolor="#ffffff" valign="CENTER" width="71">http://i.dslr.net/1ptrans.gif
<small>1024</small></td><td align="right" bgcolor="#ffffff" valign="CENTER" width="71">http://i.dslr.net/1ptrans.gif
<small>1280</small></td><td align="right" bgcolor="#ffffff" valign="CENTER" width="71">http://i.dslr.net/1ptrans.gif
<small>1536</small></td><td align="right" bgcolor="#ffffff" valign="CENTER" width="71">http://i.dslr.net/1ptrans.gif
<small>1792</small></td></tr><tr><td align="right" bgcolor="#ffffff" width="80">Yours</td><td colspan="7" bgcolor="#ffffff"><table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr height="10"><td bgcolor="#cccccc" valign="CENTER" width="346">http://i.dslr.net/1pred.gif</td><td bgcolor="#cccccc" valign="CENTER" width="45">http://i.dslr.net/1ptrans.gif</td><td bgcolor="#ffffff" valign="CENTER" width="0"><small>«1242 down</small>http://i.dslr.net/1ptrans.gif</td></tr></tbody></table><table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr height="10"><td bgcolor="#cccccc" valign="CENTER" width="57">http://i.dslr.net/1pred.gif</td><td bgcolor="#cccccc" valign="CENTER" width="7">http://i.dslr.net/1ptrans.gif</td><td bgcolor="#ffffff" valign="CENTER" width="0"><small>«205 up</small>http://i.dslr.net/1ptrans.gif</td></tr></tbody></table></td></tr></tbody></table><table cellspacing="10"><tbody><tr><td bgcolor="#ff0000" width="30"> </td><td>=Your data speed </td><td bgcolor="#cccccc" width="30"> </td><td> = estimated TCP overhead</td><td><small>popup more info</small> (javascript:quickHelp('explain/150'))</td></tr></tbody></table>
This is from the other test.

Mirror: Internode
Test type: ADSL

Your connection speed:

<acronym title="Kilobits per second">kbps</acronym>: 674.06
<acronym title="Kilobytes per second">KB/s</acronym>: 84.26
<acronym title="Megabits per second">Mbps</acronym>: 0.67

21st September 2006, 04:32 PM
Test run on 21/09/2006 @ 3:26 PM

Mirror: Bigpond
Test type: ADSL

Your connection speed:

kbps: 388.06
KB/s: 48.51
Mbps: 0.39

21st September 2006, 04:37 PM
Doesn't seem to matter which one i choose or what time of the day. It's laways around 7.Mbps

Test run on 21/09/2006 @ 3:31 PM

Mirror: Optus
Test type: Cable

Your connection speed:

kbps: 7391.38
KB/s: 923.92
Mbps: 7.39

Skew ChiDAMN!!
21st September 2006, 04:48 PM
Wish I was on your exchange Gumby...

Here, the speed can vary from 4.5 through to 7Mbps depending on time, date and how many Maggies or Parrots are on the lines. :rolleyes:

21st September 2006, 05:15 PM
Shaun from that Internode site
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="1"><tbody><tr><th>
Number</th> <th>Broadband Enabled Area</th> <th>Exchange Name</th> <th>BroadbandConnect</th> <th>Agile ADSL2+ DSLAM Status</th> </tr> <tr> <td class="cell-bg-1">08 86XX XXXX</td> <td class="cell-bg-1">YES</td> <td class="cell-bg-1">SA: Port Pirie (Regional2) </td> <td class="cell-bg-1">No</td> <td class="cell-bg-1">Not Available</td></tr></tbody></table>
Yes BB is availbe but not from internode.

Auld Bassoon
21st September 2006, 07:05 PM
Run a speed test here http://www.ozspeedtest.com/tools_speed.shtml

These are my results

Test run on 20/09/2006 @ 9:24 PM
Mirror: Netbay Internet
Test type: Cable
Your connection speed:
kbps: 16739.83
KB/s: 2092.48
Mbps: 16.74

Thanks Neil!

On Bigpond cable, I got:
kbps: 8269.47
<ACRONYM title="Kilobytes per second">KB/s</ACRONYM>: 1033.68
<ACRONYM title="Megabits per second">Mbps</ACRONYM>: 8.27

21st September 2006, 08:30 PM
This computer is on a 802.11b wireless link to my router .

Taking careful note of the "wireless facility," I placed the 3 1/4HP orange offering from Triton equidistant to the telephone and modem and fairly close to the computer. Not wanting to become entangled with the waves of unbelievable power that were about to ensue, I stood well clear and with the orange beastie's switch selected to "on" switched it from the power point.

I have to say that I did not notice a great change in byte speed, but that was in part because of the awesome power ushering from the Triton. I have to say have never before seen power like this unrestrained, as it usually resides under a bench.

Left to it's own devices, it was truely something else. The soft start does limit the gyroscopic effects, but in this it is a little like engaging the afterburner on your Harrier VSTOL with an exocet missile up your a**se.

It really is only delaying the inevitable. So as the gyroscopic effects took charge the beastie wriggled its way across the desk, grabbed the mouse by the tail (I just knew I should have gone with the cordless version) and threw it about, like a Kookaburra with a snake, until the mouse's lifeline was severed.

Having made it's first kill, it went into a murderous frenzy and jumped onto the computer seat where it burrowed straight though the cushion onto the floor. Appearing dazed as it hit ground it teetered briefly before going into a commando roll and chased me out of the office.

It left a 10mm dado in the floor as it went. I am still working on what I can use that for. I don't think SWMBO will like a straight cutting guide in her house, even if I declare it a prerequisite for the bathroom renos. I could run it past her I suppose and be prepared to run.

Fortunately, during this fit of exuberance the cord became yanked from the power point and the magnificent orange beast came to rest proud and undamaged. I can't really say the same for the office.

Was I missing something here (apart from a brain; I thought I better get that one in myself).

Perhaps I should have taken the straight bit out first:o .


21st September 2006, 09:02 PM
Test run on 21/09/2006 @ 7:54 PM

Mirror: Internode
Test type: ADSL

Your connection speed:

kbps: 413.28
KB/s: 51.66
Mbps: 0.41

21st September 2006, 09:22 PM
Test run on 21/09/2006 @ 8:15 PM

Mirror: iiNet
Test type: Dialup

Your connection speed:

<ACRONYM title="Kilobits per second">kbps</ACRONYM>: 22.64
<ACRONYM title="Kilobytes per second">KB/s</ACRONYM>: 2.83
<ACRONYM title="Megabits per second">Mbps</ACRONYM>: 0.02

21st September 2006, 09:23 PM
:d :d :d :d

22nd September 2006, 01:09 PM
I have Internode wireless as my ISP.

When I rang the tests using the 3 test options:
Dial-up; 1898.55 Kbps
ADSL; 1538.06 Kbps
Cable; 1191.91 Kbps Suprisingly the dial-up test registered faster than ADSL followed by Cable.



22nd September 2006, 01:19 PM
'Coz it's a naff test. It is not testing you connection speed but testing how fast it can download a file from a server at Internode.

Try this test. http://www.internode.on.net/tools/speedtest/index.htm

22nd September 2006, 01:27 PM
'Coz it's a naff test. It is not testing you connection speed but testing how fast it can download a file from a server at Internode.

Try this test. http://www.internode.on.net/tools/speedtest/index.htm

Using this test my download speed was 1153 Kbps and upload speed 232 Kbps


22nd September 2006, 02:22 PM
This is all I could get after I followed the link.

22nd September 2006, 05:02 PM
You have to be with Internode for it to work.