View Full Version : Built-in chopping board

15th September 2006, 11:04 PM

We are installing a second hand kitchen. Due to the limited space available we have cut out additional space for a new sink - so that taps do not need to be moved and to give more useable bench space.

This means that we now have a 750mm x 50mm (approx) 'gap' in our bench where part of the old sink used to sit.

We would like to put an inbuilt chopping board in this space (it is adjacent the sink).

Does anyone have any experience doing this, any advice, good materials, bad materials etc.

We currently live here but eventually hope to rent it out, so we want something fairly durable and would like to keep costs down if possible.

Weight shouldn't be a problem, because the way we have arranged the modules under the bench means that over 3/4 of the gap has cupboards etc underneath it.

The existing bench is a laminate.

So if anyone has any suggestions, we would be very appreciative.


15th September 2006, 11:42 PM
my first reaction is to tell you to get a new counter top. as this will be the easiest and cleanest once you rent the place out.

However, my old kitcken had a laminated timber bench into which had been inserted an enameled metal plate (within a cutout) on which hot pots could be placed (so as not to burn the timber).
It strikes me taht this may be your best option.


16th September 2006, 12:56 PM
It souds a bit narrow to use as a chopping board, but if you're happy with it, no problems. Just get a few benchtop connectors:- http://elraco.com.au/product_info.php?products_id=2604