View Full Version : Croc Hunter goes to heaven

13th September 2006, 01:28 AM
Steve arrives at the Pearly gates and recieves a heros welcome.
St Peter greets him warmly and in honor of his conservation work makes an offer. He can have what ever he wants from earth to ease his sorrow at leaving so unexpectedly.
Steve wispers in St Peters ear and move on past the gates.
A week later sees Steve back at the gates demanding to see St Peter again.
"Whats wrong" St Peter asks.
To which Steve replies "Crikey mate, I asked for a bloody croc not a Brock":rolleyes:

13th September 2006, 12:56 PM
I have to say mate that was in very poor taste..

Still I loved it

Bleedin Thumb
13th September 2006, 01:38 PM
:D Yes it didn't take long did it now?

13th September 2006, 07:30 PM
Brock has been in heaven a couple of days when he meets Steve Irwin.

Irwin says " Crickey Brocky you've only been here a few days, how come you got a halo already?"

Pete says " That's a bloody steering wheel, you idiot!"

14th September 2006, 01:51 AM
Ironic how Steve Irwin and Brocky were both killed by fishtailing.

Steve Irwin's death was totally preventable. If he had been wearing SPF30+ sunscreen he would have had protection from harmful rays.