View Full Version : Clean deck before oiling?

12th September 2006, 05:45 PM

I have a new merbau deck, about six weeks old, that has just been power washed.

Do I need to use a cleaner before oiling it, or can I just go straight to the oil?

Thanks much,


14th September 2006, 01:02 PM

I have a new merbau deck, about six weeks old, that has just been power washed.

Do I need to use a cleaner before oiling it, or can I just go straight to the oil?

Thanks much,

DorothyWashing with Oxalic Acid or Deck Wash is recommended. Most of the commercial preparations contain oxalic acid.

14th September 2006, 03:54 PM
yeah what he said.

Also I heard you should let it stand a while to let the gums come out.

Local Handyman
14th September 2006, 09:19 PM
Love the Beer truck!

You could wait for up to 6 mths if you wanted to but wash just before you oil it. Minimum wait is 8 weeks with some hosing to wash the tannins through look at the timber underneath and feel is is it sticky and oily ? If yes it's not ready yet.

15th September 2006, 01:09 PM
This very question was discussed a few weeks ago.


15th September 2006, 04:04 PM
yeah what he said.

Also I heard you should let it stand a while to let the gums come out.Hey Meerkat pass me one o' those beers...this flooring is hot bloody work mate...make it 2 'n have one fer your good self... :)

20th September 2006, 11:16 PM
Thanks Guys. I've gotten conflicting information elsewhere, so appreciate the clear direction.



PS I'll check out the other threads referenced.

5th October 2006, 02:45 PM
Thanks Guys. I've gotten conflicting information elsewhere, so appreciate the clear direction.



PS I'll check out the other threads referenced.

Hi Dorothy

How did you go with your deck? I have a deck built out of the same timber and I am about oil it in the next few weeks. Did the oil bring out the deep red colour in your deck? I would like to use the easiest, quickest and most effective product to complete this job.
