View Full Version : Rusting of sub-floor nails.

9th September 2006, 10:47 PM
I am having a new Deck installed. I have noticed that the contractor has used standard (ungalvanised) framing nails to secure the joists to the bearers (both F17 hardwood).
Also the concrete stumps ( which are about 1 metre above ground) are the type with the reo-rod protruding out the top (also ungalvanised).
The rods have been taken through the bearers and folded over on top to hold them down.
Needles to say they are all rusting. (The decking is yet to be laid)

Is this a problem down the track, and is it worthwhile trying to treat the nail heads and reo-rods with rust converter bedfore the decking is laid.

Any advise would be appreciated.



Larry McCully
10th September 2006, 09:09 AM
From what i know about rust is that it never sleeps. Most proberly the rust will have reached deep inside the concrete and sooner or later it will explode it out. I say new stumps and framing installed.

10th September 2006, 04:02 PM
Well what is the norm for sub floors then? It is stadard from what I have seen to use the stumps with the plain reo, which is bound to get some rust on it before the frame is complete.

If it was an issue I would have thought it would come gald or painted?

Thinking about it I'm sure I have seen plenty of sites where reo has gone into slabs covered in rust?

10th September 2006, 07:18 PM
Thanks guys for your replies,
I guess what concerns me is that the Reo-rods and nails will continiously be exposed to the weather even after the decking is installed. I'LL have to keep an eye on it I guess